John Peterson wrote:


"What is the best procedure for storing a diesel?


Will the tires develop flat spots if I leave it parked 3 months in the 

garage this winter?

Should I take the battery into the warm house or leave it in the cold

with a trickle charger."




The best thing you can do is bring it on down to Wichita and leave it in
my garage. Your car will be treated luxuriously.  It will be started and
driven so as to keep the tires from wearing and to keep the battery
charged.  At the end of the winter it may have a few more miles on it,
but what a small price to pay for keeping your diesel happy in the
winter.  I will clean up the McDonald wrappers before I return it to
you. :-) 


Donald H. Snook

1990 Olds 98 

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