Rich Thomas wrote:


"I read somewhere recently, or saw on some TV show, or maybe read it 

here,  where someone stuck a dead pig in a car, left it there for some 

length of time, then attempted to get the stink from the car.  After 

replacing the whole interior, washing down the bare metal, it still 

stunk.  I forgot what the point of this exercise was, except to see what

the effect was."


It was an episode of one of my favorite shows "Mythbusters."


They wanted to explore the "myth" of the car that someone kills
themselves in and then it can never be sold because the smell never goes


It was quite disgusting.  They put the pig in the car, then sealed every
means of escape for the stench with tape and silicone then they put it
into a semi trailer for some time (I think it was two weeks?). It was a
pretty nice older Corvette. They had to replace the entire interior
(wiring and everything) not for the smell, but because the fluid from
the decaying pig had ruined everything.  They got it down to bare metal
and still no one would buy it because it still reeked. 


I guess the myth was true.  




Donald H. Snook

McDonald, Tinker, Skaer, Quinn & Herrington, P.A. 

300 West Douglas

P.O. Box 207

Wichita, Kansas 67201 0207

Tel. (316) 263-5851

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