On Tue, Nov 29, 2005 at 08:03:38AM -0800, Jim Cathey wrote:
> Mine too!  Criminal what they did to that 600, though.  I wanted to
> rescue it every time I saw it!
> I also liked the moment in Suicide Kings (or was it Things To Do in
> Denver When You're Dead?) where Christopher Walken is taken for a ride
> in a 126 by the 'good' guys (and that's stretching a point) and he
> comments something like "the krauts make a damned fine car".

The one that comes to mind that haven't been said yet are in sin city (though
in that movie I think everyone's a bad guy, much like payback), where mickey
roarke's character mentions that the preacher drove a mercedes - or some
junk that they were passing off as a mercedes these days (then hopped into
a 126 coupe).


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