Vehicle Snapshot
Vehicle 1985 Mercedes-Benz 190 Series 190D
Body Style 4 Door Sedan
Country of Manufacture Germany

Vehicle History Checklist
Vehicle Description WDBDB22C3FF087606
Title Check No records found
Problem Check No records found
Odometer Check No records found
Vehicle Information No records found
Full History Records found

 Title Check
Your vehicle checks out!

Abandoned No Abandoned Records Found
Damaged No Damaged Records Found
Fire Damage No Fire Damage Records Found
Grey Market No Grey Market Records Found
Hail Damage No Hail Damage Records Found
Insurance Loss No Insurance Loss Records Found
Junk No Junk Records Found
Rebuilt/Rebuildable No Rebuilt/Rebuildable Records Found
Salvage No Salvage Records Found

 Problem Check
Your vehicle checks out!

NHTSA Crash Test Vehicle No NHTSA Crash Test Vehicle Records Found
Fire Damage Incident No Fire Damage Incident Records Found
Frame Damage No Frame Damage Records Found
Major Damage No Major Damage Records Found
Manufacturer Buyback/Lemon No Manufacturer Buyback/Lemon Records Found
Manufacturer Buyback/Lemon No Manufacturer Buyback/Lemon Records Found
Odometer Problem No Odometer Problem Records Found
Salvage Auction No Salvage Auction Records Found
Water Damage No Water Damage Records Found

 Vehicle Information
Your vehicle checks out!

Accident Data No Accident Data Records Found
Corrected Title No Corrected Title Records Found
Driver Education No Driver Education Records Found
Duplicate Title No Duplicate Title Records Found
Emission/Safety Inspection No Emission/Safety Inspection Records Found
Livery Use No Livery Use Records Found
Government Use No Government Use Records Found
Police Use No Police Use Records Found
Rental/Fleet No Rental/Fleet Records Found
Repossessed No Repossessed Records Found
Taxi Use No Taxi Use Records Found
Theft No Theft Records Found

 Vehicle History Records
We have searched the Experian Automotive National Vehicle Database of insurance, DMV, and auto auction information and found the following 10 records for this 1985 MERCEDES-BENZ 190 SERIES 190D. Note the highlighted rows for potential issues that could affect the value of this vehicle.

Date Location Mileage Description
1996-01-29 saint michaels, MD  registration event/renewal
1998-01-15 saint michaels, MD  registration event/renewal
2000-01-24 saint michaels, MD  registration event/renewal
2000-11-14 egg harbor city, NJ 176268 title
2000-11-30 egg harbor city, NJ  registration event/renewal
2001-11-30 egg harbor city, NJ  registration event/renewal
2002-10-03 mays landing, NJ 199980 title
2003-01-31 mays landing, NJ  registration event/renewal
2004-01-31 mays landing, NJ  registration event/renewal
2005-01-31 mays landing, NJ  registration event/renewal

Glossary of Descriptions Found for This Vehicle (full glossary)
Description Full Definition

Renewal Vehicle had registration renewal event reported by state DMV.
Title Vehicle had title registration event reported by state DMV.

Highlights from our Editor's Review of the 1985 Mercedes-Benz 190 Series 190D

      No Consumer Guide® data available.
 Important Disclaimers
While Consumer Guide® makes every effort to present complete and accurate information, a Consumer Guide® Vehicle History Report is not a guarantee of the quality of any used vehicle. There could be other problems with this vehicle that have not been reported to Consumer Guide® or Experian. Please read our full disclaimer.

Curt Raymond wrote:

I'm sure I should have done this before I BOUGHT the car, and now maybe I'm 
better off not knowing but....

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