Well the climate scientists should run that scenario in their models, account for the occasional (which of late seems to be more frequent than occasional) volcano eruptions injecting huge amounts of stuff in the atmosphere. And old Mr. Sun too, don't forget old Mr. Sun has been acting up a bit lately too (and other planets appear to be.... wait for it.... warming too!). Unfortunately the technology/science just ain't there yet.

The problem here is not whether or not the premise is true or false; rather, it is whether the modeling and data are sufficiently accurate to actually make the projections on which all the hoohah is based on. Factor in the big money involved for "research" and political actions, and the recent revelations about the process for all these pronouncements, and the whole thing becomes a bit dubious to many people (many of whom are smart enough and sufficiently knowledgeable to opine on the physics of the matter). I could probably dig into it all and educate myself sufficiently to make some sort of reasoned judgment, but why bother when the surrounding political aspects make it minimally interesting to do so as all that seems to be the overriding aspect (surprise!). There might be something to it all, but taking away my truck while the rest of the world wants them too (and air conditioning and washing machines!) just ain't gonna do one bit of good. Go work on the Chinese and the Indians, then get back to me after you get them organized. (Hint: They will say "tink you berry mooch" and go about their business.)

But if you are a Warmist, then that is your right, and you can hand-wring over it all you want. You can even send money to Algore if you want. Sorta like debating which religion is "better" or "true" based on various observations about human behavior and nature and such. Although I do like the idea of becoming a "climate expert" and flying off here and there in first class, staying at some nice hotels, and eating some good food and drinking some good wine all the while telling the "rich" to send me some mo' money. I should get back in the consulting business...


On 12/1/11 4:43 PM, andrew strasfogel wrote:
So if mankind disappeared from the planet overnight along with all our
greenhouse gas emitting activities, are you saying the polar ice caps would
continue to melt, ocean levels would continue to rise, and average
temperatures would continue their inexorable upward momentum for the next
50 to 100 years because of Mt. Pinatubo and other natural disasters?

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 3:27 PM, Dieselhead<126die...@gmail.com>  wrote:

I heard the stats for Kilauea once.  I wish I could remember, but is an
incredible amount.  When Mt. Penetubo blew, I heard that stats on that one.
  I think it was something like in one day, that volcano emitted more
sulphur, ash, lead, etc. (you pick the pollutant) than the total emissions
of every vehicle ever made.

           Volcan Tungurahua in Ecuador is erupting again.  We stayed
           in Banos (actually up on the slope of the volcano, at Luna
           Runtun, at the base of the volcano, at Christmas 2 years
           ago.  It was venting a bit when we were there.  Banos and
           other towns in the vicinity are being evacuated.  It is a
           beautiful area, with lots of excitement!  The people there
           seem to roll with it, even though it periodically wipes out
           their farms and towns.

           (The) "eruption of Tungurahua volcano created large clouds
           of gas and ash above the summit and it's directed towards
           the southeast and the west, near city of Banos. Ash cloud up
           to 4 kilometers in the sky and pyroclastic flows
           approximately one kilometer down the volcano flank could be
           seen on Tuesday."

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