On Fri, 02 Dec 2005 09:10:34 -0600 Rich Thomas

> Well, it actually refers to a specific medical condition....
> My wife introduces me to new medical terms occasionally, that have a 
> similar ring to them and allude to similarly unpleasant conditions (the 
> human body and behavior are capable of some truly gross achievements), 
> but are so obscure or jargonistic as to be generally useless in 
> conventional conversation.  Around a bunch of doctors though you can 
> really have some fun if you are into that sort of thing.

Main Entry: scrof·u·la
Pronunciation: 'skro-fy&-l&, 'skrä-
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin, back-formation from Late Latin scrofulae, plural,
swellings of the lymph nodes of the neck, from plural of scrofula,
diminutive of Latin scrofa breeding sow : tuberculosis of lymph nodes
especially in the neck.


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