

How did this car accident happen again?  Who's insurance company are you
dealing with? Yours or the other driver?  What state do you live in?  


I am as cheap as the next guy (maybe even Kaleb), but $5000 for a super
low mileage 300CD, that seems a little low.  Remember this is their
opening offer.  I think you need to go after the driver that hit you.
Sue them.  If you think you can't replace your car for $5000 then you
will have to prove what it will take.  In most states the measure of
damage for an property that cannot be reasonably repaired is the
difference in the market value immeadiately before and after the
incident that caused the damage.  (I have no idea what your state says).
This means that FOR EXAMPLE, your car is worth $7500 (before the wreck)
and is now worth $1000. the measure of damages is $6500 and you keep the


I would definitely contact an attorney.  If you live in Kansas or
Missouri I can give names of some good attorneys.  


Donald H. Snook


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