On Sat, 10 Dec 2005 09:21:03 -0700 "Dave M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> No automatic tranny on that puppy, not even a paddle-shift manual.
> Watch his right hand closely - that's a good ol'-fashioned stick
> shift.

I'll admit that there are many times when his right hand leaves the
steering wheel during shifting, but the rapidity of the upshifting seems
to rule out his foot working a clutch.

> About his lines, remember that was probably more of an exhibition run
> for the masses. I could be wrong, though... but I have a hard time
> imagineing they run actual timed races along rock walls and cliffs like
> that. (Well, then there's the Isle of Man TT... where a couple
> participants die every year...)

You're right, from the way he is started and the lack of other cars, it
does seem like an exhibition run. Particularly since there are cars and
motorhomes parked at the side of the road along the route.

It's interesting, however, that there are large rubber marks from hard
braking on the road, like someone has been there before.

> Still a cool video, though!

Yup. I wonder where it was taken.


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