Randy wrote:

"Do you not think that when one does spill hot coffee in one's lap, that one 
should assume the fault unless one is bumped or in some other manner  caused by 
someone else to spill the coffee? Especially when it is in a drive through 
line.  How is McD's supposed to prevent someone driving a car from spilling 
coffee once the cup is handed over? Do we put childproof caps on the cup so one 
cannot drink it in the car?"

I wish everyone knew the REAL story of the McDonald's lawsuit.   One of my 
colleagues here in Wichita was Stella's neighbor (the plaintiff in the 
McDonalds lawsuit) when this all occurred.  He is currently a lawyer because of 
her story. NOT because the jury got it wrong, but because the real story is 
MUCH more compelling than the conventional wisdom suggests.   The reality of 
that case is that Stella didn't want to go to court. She offered to settle with 
McDonald's for the cost of her medical expenses, but the company refused - even 
after a mediator suggested they should settle. Once in court, it was revealed 
that McDonald's deliberately kept its coffee 20 degrees hotter than industry 
standards and was aware from 700 prior incidents that this practice could 
result in severe burns. The company decided not to reduce its temperature and 
not to warn its customers of any risk. In the end, McDonald's behavior outraged 
jury members who were skeptical of the case. Even the judge, who reduced the 
jury verdict by more than 80% - called McDonald's conduct reckless, callous and 
I read the deposition of the Senior VP who was in charge of the company policy 
on the coffee and the temperature it was kept at.  He was the worst witness 
ever.  He admitted that they had notice of severe burns, and admitted that they 
made a business decision to not change their policy.  He came off as a complete 
jackass.  The jury actually awarded 1 day's worth of coffee sales for 
McDonald's.  AND it was later reduced dramatically.   That case is not about a 
frivolous lawsuit.  Its actually about a company that was aware that there 
product was dangerous, and they chose to keep selling it because they decided 
the customers that wanted it that hot were more important than the risk 
associated with the very small number of people who got hurt by their product.
Donald H. Snook
Who has not been keeping up the digests.
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