Fred Moir
Lynn MA
Diesel preferred.

> From: clay monroe <>
>To: Mercedes Discussion List <> 
>Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 3:35 PM
>Subject: Re: [MBZ] Was Final gun comment now socializm
>I feel it has more to do with social issues than fear.  We grew up either 
>having to bust our behinds to feed and clothe our family or were raised by 
>people who were not far removed from what is now considered farm life.  Today 
>it all comes from the store, where everything is sanitized for our enjoyment.  
>No connection to the vicissitudes of life.  City life has destroyed americans.
>Most of the nation (land mass) was not privy to super markets, TV, electricity 
>at the home, or sometimes indoor plumbing prior to WWII.  City folks had all 
>sorts of luxe goodies, but rural people worked hard, and were one step from 
>starvation if it went wrong.  They built their own homes, repaired what broke, 
>made their own clothing and cooked from scratch what had been grown in the 
>garden.  Even some city people kept small livestock and had gardens if you had 
>a single family home.  
>Durring the economic fiasco of the 30's you were scraping by and happy to have 
>heat and a meal for most of the populace.  You knew somebody who had lost a 
>family member to the Great War in some way, be it death, gas, or shell shock.  
>You ate whatever nasty thing was on the plate because kids were starving in 
>india, and hitler was taking over europe.  Then we sent another Great 
>Generation to defend liberty, and we prayed for their safe return.
>The children who came after those privations had it easy.  Watch TV in your 
>new suburban cookie cutter house and eat a Swansons dinner with no other worry 
>than maybe the commies would nuke you.  New cars, new homes, new movies and 
>diversions to keep your mind off life and how hard it used to be.  Your 
>parents walked uphill both ways in the driving snow, up to their chest, to 
>school and had to dig up roots to make stone soup for dinner.  Now those are 
>the stories being told to kids in China.
>We built up the cities, devastated the small farmers, paid the indolent to 
>remain so, and are surprised that nobody values life.  Guns rights people 
>oppose abortion.  Welfare pays you to have more children.  Agribusiness 
>peddles toxic foods while big Pharma makes more drugs to balance the equation 
>of garbage in, cancer is good for business.  There is no money in being 
>healthy, but incredible amounts to be made in managing health with all sorts 
>of alchemy and procedures to keep the bodies warm while the wallets are 
>Americans no longer build a nation, they pillage the carcass of industry, 
>growing rich off of illusory wealth scams like Madoff or the housing bubble.  
>Toss heaps of cash at vaporware tech firms that promise unlimited energy from 
>imaginary solar or biofuels.  Pump up financial firms that are no better than 
>the Crimson Permanent Assurance.
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