I just love beaucratic language: "which resulted in the airplane impacting
the water."  I think the word "impacting" is insufficient to describe the
event. It is more like Hurst jumping off of the high dive at the local YMCA
and doing a cannon-ball into 18" of water.

Sounds like it could be an expensive inspection process! If I remember from
working on the big brother of the Mallard, someone is going to be taking out
hundreds of phillips screws, breaking fingernails taking off sealed access
panels, and wearing out a magnaflux machine -- and that is just on the first

On 1/1/06, George Gregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> DATE: December 30, 2005
> AD #: 2006-01-51
> Emergency airworthiness directive (AD) 2006-01-51 is sent to all owners
> and
> operators of Frakes Aviation (Gulfstream American) Model G-73 (Mallard)
> series airplanes, and Model G-73 airplanes that have been converted to
> have
> turbine engines. These airplanes were originally manufactured by Grumman.

1977 240D
1972 Honda CB-500K motorcycle


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