Have not found a lot of online info about this, so thought I'd ask here in case anyone has run into this.

We have a 2002 Dodge Grand Caravan. Recently the ignition key has started refusing to turn, on an intermittent basis. Consulted a local locksmith and he suggested that it was dirty and to "blast it out with WD40". I don't like the idea of using oil in a lock but he insisted it would be fine. Sure enough it seemed to resolve the problem -- for a couple of weeks.

A few days ago my wife tried to start the car and the key refused to turn. I played with it, no luck. More WD40, no luck. Finally after removing and reinserting the key repeatedly it turned. I said "enough of this" and removed the plastic shroud around the steering column, found the tab to release the cylinder, and removed it.

I sprayed it out with brake cleaner to remove the WD40, and now it seems to be working. But I'm hesitant to reinstall it. Seems odd that it would be worn out already, only 3 years old. Anyone had any similar experience? Just wondering if this is a common problem for Dodge vehicles.

1966 230
1983 300D

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