There were dozens of attempts to replace the KC-135, but somehow it never happened, I suspect mainly because they were all new rather overcomplicated designs and everyone kept wanting to refuel vast number of supersonic bombers we had no use for. Just like the reason the B-52 still has 1950's turbojets instead of bypass engines (twice the power, half the fuel use, etc) -- no one could ever make a decision.

My brother did quite a bit of design work on GE's military engines to reduce failure rate and improve operations, and in the time he was there not one single change was accepted "because it would interrupt supply systems". I can see that to a certain point, but not to the point on paralysis.

The main reason the DC-10 was selected over the L1011 or B747 as the new tanker was GE -- they were pissed off that neither Boeing nor Lockheed chose the CFM-6 for their widebodies (they wanted to put all the other engine makers out of business and have a monopoly), and having way too much political pull, nixed everything but the airframe they had an exclusive engine supply for. Less than stellar engine for many years, caused several crashes (some genius decided that since they "never made bad parts" it was unnecessary to x-ray finished parts, with the result that a large number of turbine disks had internal defects resulting in engine explosions -- the rear engine on Ship one blew up and shed the entire turbine assembly, luckily by flying out the rear without airframe damage, on the initial test flight according to gossip). It's fine now, I think, but they are all much better than the old jets.

The main problem is way too much money, just like the main problem with the NSA getting all phone records -- the contractors are absorbing a vast portion of the US economy for no reason at all except to get filthy rich.

Ah, politics!



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