From: "Rich Thomas" <>
Saw this reference
(and check out the linked vid of the telescopes shooting lasers

Enjoy y'all old dudes!

Around the late '70s...early '80s I visited the McDonald Observatory in
Southwest Texas.  It was tourist off-season and I was the only visitor.  An
astronomer gave me a private tour, put the huge telescope through it's paces
(the whole dome rotates very precisely), and explained their current major
project which involved shooting a high powered laser through the telescope
at the moon.
The moon astronauts had left highly reflective multisided spheres on the
moon (I was shown one and allowed to hold it); the telescopes laser beam was
bounced off the spheres, and the returning beam was intercepted at precise
locations within its range.  The purpose was in getting very accurate
measurements of distance between the observatory and the places of
interception; something that was probably impossible to do any other way
back then.

Since it was noontime and the nearest restaurant was a long drive, he
invited me to lunch.  The only "restaurant" I've ever been in that was
comparable was a UF cafeteria full of noisy students.  Each place setting
had pencils, pens, and a pad.  Half of the 20-30 people there were either
writing furiously on their pads or loudly arguing with each other.  One
sitting next to me suddenly turned, stuck out his hand, and said, "I'm
doctor _______ and you are?  "A tourist.", I replied.  "Oh", said the prof
and immediately went back to his writing.


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