Rick wrote:
> Ya think? I have stated the same thing, either here, or on Banned myself.

You guys.
Go have your job closed out.
Closed out.  The entire arena across the economy.  Tell me you see
gobs of infill development.  Tell me you see small commercial strips
being developed or re-developed.  Maybe in your neck of the woods, but
not here.  Not in 3 years plus.  The arena for what I did is gone.  No
clinical depression involved.  Purely rational thought processes and
no real clear reason to be around people with head in sand.  Lessee...
Gerry is well cared for in retirement.  Rick is well cared for in
union heavy with multi-national employer.  Both of ya got yer head in
the sand about the reality that some jobs are not there anymore.  Not
even with 200k jobs each month being had.  From what I understand,
that is 200k jobs at $10 which ain't gonna hire an old guy, not when
there are 12 young guys waiting for hire and stronger for the
workforce.  They see old guy as working maybe 5 years and then leave.
I want my kids to have better job - not me have another job.  I
disagree with clinical depression and I reject the immediate plea for
counsel that is unproven in an arena that is pure circus fleabag
purveyors.  You won't see it.  I see it.  Get your head out of the


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