Do you have small hands?


On 6/2/14 10:38 PM, Gary Hurst wrote:
i prefer boiling cabbage

On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 10:09 PM, Meade Dillon <> wrote:

Yesterday I boiled (well not quite boiling, up to 85 degrees C) one OM603
head, this one had been installed but the cooling system stayed pressurized
overnight, classic symptom of a cracked head.

I used the plate I made with an air hose quick-connect fitting in the
middle, bolted over the exhaust manifold exhaust pipe connection, with a
little RTV for good measure.  I sent a picture of this a few weeks ago.
The concept is to pressurize the exhaust passages in the head, 15 psi, to
see if any air will leak out the coolant passage.  This is my version of
the test described in the factory service manual, which calls for a special
plate bolted to the face of the head, which has an air fitting which allows
the coolant passages to be pressurized, to see if air leaks out the exhaust
side (or I suppose the intake side).

The head is then submerged in water, and heated. Yesterday I used 15 psi,
according to the pressure regulator on my cheapo air pump.  Today I used

Sunday's head failed.  It passed air from exhaust side to coolant side,
cold or hot.  Darn!  I'd invested about $500 in that head.

Today I tested the other used head.  It passed, with some strange
behavior.  No air passed when cold,  so I began heating the tank.  Test was
going great - no air from the coolant side - until 78 deg c.  Then it let
out a few bubbles.  No bubbles for ten seconds or more, then a few
bubbles.  My heart sank.  I left the heat on to see if it got worse.  It
continued to issue bubbles every five or ten seconds.  I ran the temp up to
85, then shut off the heat, resigned to purchasing yet another head.

Funny, as soon as the heat was off, the bubbles from the coolant side
stopped.  I let the temp drop to 79, then turned on the heat.  No bubbles,
until the temperature passed 85 again, and then back to passing a few
bubbles every five or ten or fifteen seconds.  I noticed the water was
getting cloudy, bit of a yellow color to it.  The bubbles continued as I
ran the temp up to 92 deg.  I shut off the heat, the bubbles stopped.  Let
the tank cool to 78, then turned on the heat again.

I'm beginning to think that some deposit inside the cooling passages is
releasing gas when heated.

As the temperature climbs through 80 degrees and up, no bubbles.  All the
way back to 91, nothing.  Water is very cloudy now.  I increase the air
pressure to 30 psi.  No bubbles.

I say the head is good!

Max Dillon,
Charleston SC

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