I see a common thread here, when I include my experiences with the VA.  The
doctor I'm assigned to is excellent.  His nursing staff superb.  All other
clerical types seem to think their job is to slow-roll, filter, obstruct.

Things that in other clinics takes minutes, they take days at our local
VA.  Things which should take hours, take days and weeks.  On some things,
I give up and use my work health insurance, pay the co-pay, and get it done.

Max Dillon,
Charleston SC
 On Jun 3, 2014 10:57 PM, "WILTON" <wilt...@nc.rr.com> wrote:

> "Clerical staff, who care not a whit about the level of service they give"
> reminds me:
> Because of "horror" stories I had heard about getting "the run-around" and
> long waiting times, I had never used VA medical care at all until about a
> year ago, when I received a letter from my neurologist at Duke University
> Hospital informing me that he'd no longer be able to see me for my CIDP
> condition at the Duke clinic.  Clinic was being converted to see ALS
> patients only.  Because he is the only neurologist of the many I've seen
> who would listen to me and help me work out a treatment regimen that helped
> me drastically, I sent him an e-mail pleading with him to not "throw me
> back out there" to find another neurologist who would likely think he/she
> already has all the answers and not want to listen to anything I have to
> say.  He called me the next morning at 8 and talked to me for nearly an
> hour about ways that we may proceed.  He reminded me that, if I could
> become registered at the Durham VA Medical Center, where he works in
> addition to Duke, he'd be able to see me there and continue the treatments
> with no other change at all.  I had a little glitch in getting registered
> (cited below), saw the "Duke" neurologist at VA few weeks later and have
> continued my treatments with no break at all; Medicare and Tricare continue
> to pay as they have for years.  He schedules me to see him at the VA Center
> every six months; no problem with all of it so far, except the registration
> glitch cited below.
> A little aside on getting registered at VA:  I filled out application
> on-line and printed it out, but had coupla questions before sending it in.
>  'Called coordinator at Durham VA Medical Center; during our discussion,
> coordinator asked about my possible exposure to Agent Orange; 'told her,
> "Don't think so; I was never on the ground in Vietnam; 'flew B-52's from
> Guam and U-Tapao, Thailand."  When I told her U-Tapao, she got excited and
> insisted that I go "right now and talk to Ms ?, registration supervisor."
>  'Got my stuff together and off we went to Durham.  Quickly found Ms.
> Supervisor,  who told me, "Don't have time to talk to you right now.  Fill
> out these papers and give 'em to lady at window."  When I started filling
> out the papers, I realized they were the ones I had in my hand already
> completed!  'Handed them to lady at window, who told me to "wait here,
> we'll call you by name."  Twice during the next 2½ hours, we were rebuffed
> whenever we tried to remind lady at the window that I was still waiting -
> "You'll be called by name," she insisted.  At 4 PM, ladies behind window
> picked up their handbags, locked door and left.  Nearly an hour later, I
> had become very suspicious that I had truly been forgotten, and it began to
> look as if people were leaving "for the day."  I asked wife to "find Ms
> Supervisor, I think they're leaving for the day."  Supervisor was, indeed,
> leaving for the day; when she saw SWMBO, she exclaimed, "What?!! You're
> still here?!!"  Yes, indeed, they had forgotten me!!!!!!  Lady who should
> have taken the registration nearly 4 hours earlier was also leaving;
> supervisor called her back and called me in to give the registration info.
>  During the 15 minutes or so  that the registration took, Ms Supervisor
> kept trying to apologize, "Oh, Mister Strickland, I'm so terribly sorry."
>  I never said a word; never responded to the "apology;" 'just let 'em stew
> over it overnight, worried about possible call from their supervisors the
> next day, but I never reported it to anybody.  They got away with it, and I
> sure hope they had a sleepless night, but I doubt it.  I regret having not
> reported it officially.
> Wilton
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