I believe a lot of the bike folks think that loud is good as it makes them more noticable.
Drivers do not pay enough attention and it is easy to miss a motorcycle.
I can say that I have heard bikes coming before I have seen them.

Randy who would not want to ride one the noisy ones very far

PS - As you get older, do you find that you have more issues with spelling? I am looking at the message above and wondering if "noticable" and "noisy" are correct. Wierd.

On 09/09/2014 7:00 PM, Curt Raymond via Mercedes wrote:
Man some days it feels like it. Makes you want to swerve over when one sits 
next to you at a light constantly blipping the throttle.

Harley owners are generally a menace. A couple years ago they talked about 
giving the anti-loud pipe laws here some teeth and the Harley guys were all 
against it including Angie's Dad. I pointed out that quieting things down was 
better than getting banned outright but he doesn't understand me.
Of course he thinks the Ninja Turtle bikes should be quieted down...



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