Still a great essay from the Colonel.  

The debacle that was Viet Nam is less an indictment of war than an indictment 
of the way that particular non-war was defined and prosecuted.  Even a casual 
review of world history will tell you that sustained peace is not normal unless 
a superpower oversees things.

Consider this.   A vanishing minority of Americans has any first-hand 
experience with actual war.  No living Americans except some immigrants have 
any experience living through war their own back yard.  Thanks to two big 
oceans, relatively peaceful neighbors north and south, and a half-century 
American age of relative world peace, the vast majority of fat, lazy, 
cell-phone addicted Americans are clueless when it comes to the depths of evil 
in the world.  But if we continue on the current course, I think they may learn.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: WILTON via Mercedes
> Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2014 2:02 PM
> By Wilton Strickland, Lt Col, USAF (Ret)
>      The tragedy of the Vietnam War is exceeded by only slavery and the Civil
> War as this nation’s greatest tragedy. Not only were thousands of fine, young
> Americans sacrificed needlessly, sent into harm’s way by a government with
> no commitment to a resolution to the conflict, the conflict divided the
> country like nothing else but the Civil War.
> ...


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