> Curly wrote:
> I am going to revive an old topic.  I tried loading the latest
> ubuntu on a P4 box, and it choked for 2 reasons.  14.04 requires
> a dvd... the installer sez the machine video won't support 14.04.

> I though one major selling point was that it did not require the
> latest hardware?

Ubuntu?  Probably not.  Linux (properly "GNU/Linux) is not
much more specific than saying "computer".  The are _so_ many
choices - in distributions as well as software.

If you are running on older hardware, you might not get to use
any distribution or any desktop.  GNOME3 is going to have
trouble with older hardware.

> So I get out the CD I made in 11-2013, whatever version that is.
> It installs and runs, but there is a big lag.  I was able to get
> the old windows files off the machine so that I can wipe the
> drive.  Windows XP choked for some reason.  it won't start up.
> Has been maybe 12-18 months since it was a clean install, and it
> was not used heavily or abused that I can tell.

Maybe there is hardware trouble?  I really like using live CD
to test hardware.  SystemRescue, GMRL, Knopix, etc.

> Is there a better linux to use for RDP connections to a terminal 
> server (2003 or 2008 winders)?  I am thinking the lag is because
> it installed with winders, and did not make a separate partition
> as red hat used to.

Probably not the fault of MS Win.

I'm quite familiar with Debian.  And by choosing XFCE or LXDE
as a session manager rather than GNOME or KDE the demand on
hardware - especially video hardware - will be a lot less.

I have a couple P4 vintage machines that run quite well with
Debian - but NOT GNOME or KDE desktop sessions!

> I anticipate the main use to be to connect to a server via RDP.
> But some Libre office applications may be run locally.

OpenOffice and LibreOffice a kinda demanding.  For lightweight
use, Abiword (word processor) and gnumeric (spreadsheet) are
much less demanding - but are also not as integrated.

> and M$ has pretty well sabotaged XP to make it unusable.

> <rant>   Right now, I think there is a huge market for a good XP 
> replacement.

The LXDE desktop layout is very similar to MSWin XP.   A
former MSWin user is likely to feel more comfortable there
than in Win8!!  It is rather lightweight, so the demand on
hardware is not extreme.  

I'm not familiar enough with Ubuntu, but I'm kinda surprised
they don't have an install option for XFCE or LXDE.  Debian
does. :)

A quick search shows Lubuntu as a Ubuntu variant that defaults
to LXDE and Xubuntu that use XFCE.


All of the Ubuntu variants should be able to use the full
Ubuntu repository making software installation pretty easy.

Puppy is the ultimate in small hardware, lightweight - but it
also sacrifices administration convenience and software

At least a 386 processor, 600 MHz is nice.
64MB RAM -- Bare minimum
128MB RAM -- Practical Minimum
256MB RAM -- Desirable Minimum


> The diabolical bas*tads disable the
> working stuff so they can extort more money out of everyone.
> The only reason the precision 360 video cards,  (one is a quattro
> FX) high end stuff at the time, don't work is simply because M$
> and nvidia want to force you to buy new hardware.

Yup.  I don't pay much attention to MSWin - but there is not
software claiming it needs at least Win7 to run...  One of
these days I'll actually have to abandon XP. *sigh*


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