On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 3:08 PM, G Mann via Mercedes <mercedes@okiebenz.com>

> <snip>I guess R12 doesn't cause global warming
> in Mexico?

R-12 has nothing to do with global warming. It destroys the ozone layer,
letting more of the harmful UV rays reach the surface. The hole over
Antarctica has closed significantly since the R-12 ban. I don't know that
there is a cause/effect relationship here, but the coincidence does seems
to lead us innocents to believe that there is. Mexico must not use much
R-12. I do have 10 -12 lbs  (in one bottle) of virgin R-12 if anyone wants
to come get it for the market value (whatever that is). Shipping it legally
is prohibitive.

I also would not have believed that human activity could cause earthquakes
- what could a little water injected deep in the earth here and there do?
However, there does seem to be a direct correlation between the deep
injection wells (for fracking fluids/waste water) and the huge number of
earthquakes that we are experiencing in OK now. Based on this, I am not
willing to rule out the possibility of human causes of climate
change/global warming. I my self am contributing a fair amount of CO2 to
the air, and releasing it higher in the atmosphere than most of you.

Global Warming means just that - "GLOBAL" - not local. Watch the cycles of
the jet stream, etc. and you can see why some areas are cooler than they
used to be while the planet as a whole is getting warmer. OK has been
overall warmer the last few years, mostly due to warmer winters than usual.

OK Don

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