
To add to what Tom said:

1) It takes time to look things up. The parts guys don't like spending
a lot of time getting info, just to have the customer choke on the
cost and say "no thanks". So I do all my research and pricing
beforehand, and only call when I'm actually ready to order. Saves me
AND Rusty a lot of time - and money!

2) It can be very hard to describe oddball parts over the phone,
assuming you're not down at the local dealership where the parts guy
will let you look at his EPC screen and you can point to the item in
question. Having it on your own computer is awesome.

3) I like to compare parts used on early vs. late versions of the same
chassis, to find interesting upgrades, or to see what parts are
compatible with old/new, etc. This is something the parts guys have
little interest in, especially if you're going to be buying the parts
used instead of new.

4) I look up parts for Euro models in my worldwide EPC - something the
USA dealers can't do. Obtaining Euro parts can be a pain in some
cases, depending on if MB USA wants a Euro VIN number to release the
part, etc.

5) The EPC has a reverse lookup feature that I absolutely love. You
can enter a part number, and it will tell you what exact models it's
used on, and show you the group/subgroup within that model. The
worldwide version lets you specify which market (NA, Europe, Japan,
etc) if desired, to limit results. It also allows an SA search, if you
have the 5-digit SA code.

6) The EPC allows you to look up the vehicle datacard. This is great
to get color codes when buying a car, or looking at ads online - you
can tell if it's Tex or leather, and what exactly "tan" or "gold"
really is. It also means you can check the options installed. I've
done this when buying used parts, when a wrecker claims to have a
Sportline steering box, I can check the VIN and tell if it has the
proper codes or not. Most of the time the wrecker is wrong, it saves
me a lot of time and $$$ to figure this out over the phone BEFORE
placing an order.

Just a few things to keep in mind... it really is handy!


-Dave M.

> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2006 13:01:59 -0500
> From: "Tom Scordato" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [MBZ] MB EPC Electronics Parts Catalog ON LINE
> "Why the desperation? Can't you let the folks you buy your parts from
> look up the items that you need, for you? You will have to speak to a
> parts person to make a purchase or choose from items on a web site any
> way.
> I have managed to survive all these years without one. I let the parts
> guys be the parts guys and I take it from there.D"
> John thanks for asking.  The answer is yes I could do those things you
> describe and have been bothering Rusty and others exactly as you describe.
> But in all honesty it is my little way of being able to compare parts on
> eBay, get parts from junk yards, between models ect.  Besides it gives me
> something to do.  Keeps me out of pool halls and such.
> Regards Tom Scordato
> Bellefonte PA
> 1977 300D
> 1979 240D

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