On Sat, 12 Sep 2015 11:52:18 -0500 Mountain Man via Mercedes
<mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:

> Jim wrote:
> > 90% of such a proposal would be a materials problem.
> GE made the news this year - 3D printed turbine engine.
> What's that all about?
> mao

        Bartosik explains that, with the technology, not only could he
        create complex geometries unattainable with other manufacturing
        techniques, but that they were able to produce the parts for the
        engine with high-temperature, high-strength alloys that they
        wouldn’t have been able to create parts with otherwise. After
        post-processing the printed parts with machining tools,
        Bartosik’s team tested the RC engine in a test cell at GE
        Aviation, getting it to run up to speeds of 33,000 RPMs.


        Watch GE’s 3D-printed mini jet engine reach speeds up to
        33,000 RPM

        GE Considers 3D Printing Turbine Blades for Next Generation
        Boeing 777X’s GE9X Engines

        If and when GE begins additively manufacturing these LPT [low
        pressure turbine] blades, they will likely be produced from a
        titanium aluminide powder, a strong, light-weight material which
        is traditionally very difficult to work with. From an additive
        manufacturing perspective, however, it is much easier to produce
        parts with then with casting. While most major manufacturers are
        not close to being ready to begin producing incredibly important
        parts for products which must work perfectly, like that of an
        aircraft engine, General Electric has been doing so for years.

        Both GE and Rolls Royce Are To Use 3D Printing To Make Jet
        Engines And Violate Engineering's Prime Commandment

        There is an old and important saying in engineering: fast, better,
        cheaper. The point being that you can only ever have two out of
        the three. But in this pair of tales about how both GE and Rolls
        Royce are to be using 3D printing in order to produce their
        respective jet engines we’ve an interesting violation of that
        basic engineering commandment.

        GE releases instructions for 3D-printable jet engine

        If you head over to Thingiverse, you can get instructions for a
        hand-cranked, 3D-printable jet engine, courtesy of GE.

        If you've ever felt your life didn't have enough jet engines in
        it, now there's a way you can get one of your very own; just
        don't expect it to actually power anything.

        The engine in question is actually a 3D-printed model, designed
        by GE. Although its parts move in the same way as a real jet
        engine, it's scaled down, simplified, made of 3D printer
        material, and powered not by combustion but by a hand crank. 

        3D Printed, Mass Produced Parts To Give GE’s New Jet Engines an
        Extra Boost

        This video show exactly what GE’s has in mind for 3D printing:


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