I can't keep you from posting stuff like this, Grant, but I don't feel like
wasting my time rebutting garbage, particularly at it has nothing to do
with Mercedes diesels.

On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 11:11 AM, G Mann via Mercedes <mercedes@okiebenz.com
> wrote:

> <
> http://trk.listelixr.net/c/3/?T=T1RreU5qQTJPVGM6WWpVNE1UWXRaR1UzTkdRek0yWXROR1F3WXkwME4yWm1MV0V5T1dVdFptTXlaR0ZqT0RZd056Wmk6WnpKdFlXNXVNa0JuYldGcGJDNWpiMjA6TWpJMU56RXdPUQ&K=nb47_sH0R0fjnVaqL50lQw&uId=0&dUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fsecure.giveworks.net%2Fenergy%2Fdonate%2FHOU5493
> >
> Dear Grant,
> This week marks an important anniversary.
> Exactly four years ago, President Obama proclaimed, “we can’t just drill
> our way to lower gas prices.”
> *But it turns out that once again, President Obama was on the wrong side of
> history.*
> <
> http://trk.listelixr.net/c/3/?T=T1RreU5qQTJPVGM6WWpVNE1UWXRaR1UzTkdRek0yWXROR1F3WXkwME4yWm1MV0V5T1dVdFptTXlaR0ZqT0RZd056Wmk6WnpKdFlXNXVNa0JuYldGcGJDNWpiMjA6TWpJMU56RXdPUQ&K=nb47_sH0R0fjnVaqL50lQw&uId=1&dUrl=http%3A%2F%2Famericanenergyalliance.org%2F2016%2F02%2F23%2Fsorry-mr-president-turns-out-we-can-drill-our-way-to-lower-gas-prices%2F
> >
> In 2012, gasoline was $3.72 per gallon. *Today, it is only $1.73 a gallon.*
> <
> http://trk.listelixr.net/c/3/?T=T1RreU5qQTJPVGM6WWpVNE1UWXRaR1UzTkdRek0yWXROR1F3WXkwME4yWm1MV0V5T1dVdFptTXlaR0ZqT0RZd056Wmk6WnpKdFlXNXVNa0JuYldGcGJDNWpiMjA6TWpJMU56RXdPUQ&K=nb47_sH0R0fjnVaqL50lQw&uId=2&dUrl=http%3A%2F%2Famericanenergyalliance.org%2F2016%2F02%2F23%2Fsorry-mr-president-turns-out-we-can-drill-our-way-to-lower-gas-prices%2F
> >
> So yes, Obama was wrong; we can dill our way to lower gas prices.
> What’s changed is a massive increase in world oil production—almost all of
> which came from the United States!
> *And major technological advancements such as hydraulic fracturing and
> horizontal drilling are to thank.*
> This is great news for all Americans, but *especially for those living in
> low-income households who no longer have to choose between filling up their
> gas tanks and paying for other daily essentials.*
> The unfortunate news is that American’s could actually be saving a lot more
> if the Obama administration would open up federal lands to oil and gas
> leasing.
> *But instead, Obama would rather propose a new $10 tax on oil, which will
> raise gas prices by 24 cents a gallon.*
> Much has changed in the last four years, as American energy producers have
> consistently innovated and reduced costs for families and motorists.
> And in spite of President Obama’s previous claims and restrictive policies,
> increased energy production has provided hard-working Americans with lower
> gas prices.
> Just imagine what we could do if the next administration simply let
> Americans get back to work?
> To read more, *check out our blog post in AEA’s Energy Townhall.*
> <
> http://trk.listelixr.net/c/3/?T=T1RreU5qQTJPVGM6WWpVNE1UWXRaR1UzTkdRek0yWXROR1F3WXkwME4yWm1MV0V5T1dVdFptTXlaR0ZqT0RZd056Wmk6WnpKdFlXNXVNa0JuYldGcGJDNWpiMjA6TWpJMU56RXdPUQ&K=nb47_sH0R0fjnVaqL50lQw&uId=3&dUrl=http%3A%2F%2Famericanenergyalliance.org%2F2016%2F02%2F23%2Fsorry-mr-president-turns-out-we-can-drill-our-way-to-lower-gas-prices%2F
> >
> Sincerely,
> Tom Pyle,
> President
> <
> http://trk.listelixr.net/c/3/?T=T1RreU5qQTJPVGM6WWpVNE1UWXRaR1UzTkdRek0yWXROR1F3WXkwME4yWm1MV0V5T1dVdFptTXlaR0ZqT0RZd056Wmk6WnpKdFlXNXVNa0JuYldGcGJDNWpiMjA6TWpJMU56RXdPUQ&K=nb47_sH0R0fjnVaqL50lQw&uId=4&dUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fsecure.giveworks.net%2Fenergy%2Fdonate%2FHOU5493%3Ffn%3DGrant%26ln%3DMann%26email%3Dg2mann2%40gmail.com
> >
> <
> http://trk.listelixr.net/c/3/?T=T1RreU5qQTJPVGM6WWpVNE1UWXRaR1UzTkdRek0yWXROR1F3WXkwME4yWm1MV0V5T1dVdFptTXlaR0ZqT0RZd056Wmk6WnpKdFlXNXVNa0JuYldGcGJDNWpiMjA6TWpJMU56RXdPUQ&K=nb47_sH0R0fjnVaqL50lQw&uId=5&dUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fsecure.giveworks.net%2Fenergy%2Fgivemonthly%2FHOU5493%3Ffn%3DGrant%26ln%3DMann%26email%3Dg2mann2%40gmail.com
> >
> Contributions
> to American Energy Alliance are not tax deductible
> as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.
> *Copyright © American Energy Alliance 2015*
> American Energy Alliance
> 1155 15th Street NW, Suite 900
> Washington, DC  20005
> Phone: 202.621.2940
> This is a group which I associate with that deals with energy issues here
> in America. I've found their information to be routinely on point regarding
> energy production issues.
> I
> On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 6:39 AM, Curly McLain via Mercedes <
> mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:
> > See!  There is a whole list of good things the current administration has
> > done!  Well, at least current and past members of the obammer regime did
> > not commit heinous crimes like nixon did!  Nixon erased several seconds
> of
> > sound recordings he made privately for his own protection!  For that he
> was
> > run out of office and his name is used by the media as a synonym for a
> bad
> > president!.
> >
> >
> > Ohhhhhhhh Andrew... The "good stuff" list.. OK.. you ask for it..
> >>
> >> More deficit spending than any president in history.
> >>
> >> More expensive vacations, costing more, than any president in history.
> >>
> >> More golf games than any president in history.
> >>
> >> Pushed, Passed and Signed the greatest tax burden American public has
> ever
> >> seen , Obamacare, in a single event.
> >>
> >> Apologized to our enemies, angered our allies.
> >>
> >> Invaded Libya without Congressional Approval or a Declaration of War.
> >>
> >> Gave weapons to Taliban to foment unrest in Syria.
> >>
> >> Withdrew from Iraq without honoring Status of Forces Agreement.
> >>
> >> Appointed Hillary Clinton as Secretary of state who then violated
> >> repeatedly the National Secrets Act, most likely for personal profit,
> >> under
> >> his watch.
> >>
> >> Repeatedly violated the Constitution by refusing to follow the laws
> >> already
> >> in place on immigration.
> >>
> >> Paid ransom and released war criminals in exchange for a deserter,
> without
> >> Congressional Approval.
> >>
> >> Supplied weapons to members of Mexican Drug Cartels resulting in
> numerous
> >> murders, using those weapons, then instructed his Atty General to not
> >> prosecute or investigate.
> >>
> >> Repeatedly attempted, and continues to attempt to violate the  Bill of
> >> Rights, 2nd Amendment, by executive order, for personal political gain..
> >>
> >> Spent billions bailing out banks, General Motors, Green energy
> projects...
> >> without any controls for how that public money was spent, or if it was
> to
> >> ever be paid back..
> >>
> >> The list is much longer... but those are just a few of his holyness's
> >> "successes".
> >>
> >> "Electing Obama to a second term is like backing up Titanic so you could
> >> hit the iceberg twice"
> >>
> >> I've just watched 7 consecutive years of the greatest robbery in the
> >> history of the earth and you get your panties wet over the price of gas
> >> believing Obama directly lowered it?
> >>
> >> You actually may be right.. the economy is so bad, and so many people
> are
> >> out of work or lost personal income they stopped driving, so, demand is
> at
> >> record lows... oil companies sales have hit new lows... Supply and
> demand
> >> still rule the market place.. Saudi Arabia is, for the first time ever,
> >> running a deficit.. by billions.
> >>
> >> On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 10:21 PM, Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes <
> >> mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>  > If you don't credit him for the good stuff then don't blame him for
> the
> >>  > bad.
> >>  >
> >>
> >
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