Rent one of those mutli-scissor parallel lift things and let it lift you to
the ceiling instead of climbing a ladder - could even lie on your back like
Michael Angelo . . .

On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 10:24 AM, WILTON via Mercedes <>

> Re. limitations:  It's most upsetting to me that I can't (there's a word
> I've never used 'until recently) climb ladders any more.  'Needing some
> repairs to plaster ceilings in at least 3 or 4 places around the house.
> Painter I talked to for bid on repairs and painting can't seem to
> understand what I've been trying to tell ''im 'bout the repairs.  He
> doesn't seem to realize that I know what the Hell I'm talking about.  I did
> a LOT of this stuff restoring two 1875 National Register of Historic Places
> mansions here in town 30 years ago, plus a bunch to this house 25 years
> ago.  If I could get up there to the ceiling, I could repair them very
> simply - reattach some loose plaster with drywall screws, dig out plaster
> where the plaster is too bad for the screws, patch with drywall, fiberglass
> tape and/or sheathing and joint compound and paint - the repairs disappear.
> Wilton

OK Don

*“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness, and many of
our people need it sorely on these accounts.”* – Mark Twain

"There are three kinds of men: The ones that learns by reading. The few who
learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence
for themselves."

WILL ROGERS, *The Manly Wisdom of Will Rogers*
2013 F150, 18 mpg
2012 Passat TDI DSG, 44 mpg
1957 C182A, 12 mpg - but at 150 mph!

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