Why not just send the VP to Iraq. He could shoot as many as he wants to over
there (just have to ask first if they are bad guys, right?).

Heck, send Bush too. He missed his military service didn't he? And, after
all, he is the commander in chief. Lead by example. Don't expect the lowly
to do what you wouldn't do.  (Easy for me to say - I'm sitting in Canada -
my silly government wouldn't even offer moral support to the USA. We don't
have any troops so we couldn't offer much more but we had to show the world
that we were not dominated by the USA or something like that or who knows,
maybe even bow to France or some such nonsense.)

Now we have a new government that promised they wouldn't do the things that
the previous government did and they are already at it. The bloody ink isn't
even dry yet and they are up to the same nonsense as the previous bunch.
Can't trust any of the devils.

Randy B

-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Bush Bad, Guns Good

Dick Cheney seems to like guns too.

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