Curt will know a place called Building 19 out that way. They deal (I suppose they are still around) in insurance salvage/bankruptcy goods, etc. so every week there is another load of stuff that shows up to their warehouses. Cheap and often some good bargains. Back when we lived up that way they would sell rugs in various sizes, sometimes really nice oriental rugs that would retail for several $k, they would be selling them for like 20%-30% but you would have to look at (and smell) them carefully as they might have been in a flood or fire with sprinklers or something, but usually they were in good shape.

I had this friend who could talk an eskimo out of his coat, who would go there and find something he wanted, it could be a $5 item or a $3k rug, chat up one of the guys there about it in a friendly way, asking questions, talking about the weather, whatever. Then he would get around to the kill, and start working him on the price. It was a wonder to behold. He would walk out of there with another 20-30% off the price, whatever it was. Then once he agreed on the price he would start in, you know it would be nice to have one of those tables over there to set this lamp on... how about you throw that in with it? Or, you know, that chair over there kinda matches the rug, let's put that in the deal and I'll have the whole package... Never failed, he was a total master. But the thing was, beating down a salvage warehouse place that was already pretty rockbottom on stuff was just almost wrong to any reasonable person...

One Christmas I decided to give it a try. I go to Filenes Basement, which sold all of Filenes (a fairly high-end department store) random stuff that was out of season, or returns, or whatever. Usually same deal, sometimes 20-30% of retail price for nice stuff. But they also had the deal where the items were tagged, and every week the price would drop another 20% or whatever until it was sold. I bought my wife a bunch of nice clothes, the bill comes to whatever, so I ask the checkout person what she can do for me on the whole deal, you know I'm here buying it now, it will drop another 20% next week... She kinda looks at me and says, well I could take another 10% off so we get into the dickering, she calls her manager over, we go at it a bit, me using my buddy's techniques, and I end up with another 30% off the whole deal. It was amazing!


On 7/20/16 2:22 PM, Curt Raymond via Mercedes wrote:
I forgot to tell you guys that Angie bought a new bicycle the other day. I 
spent all Saturday morning going through her old Freespirit and finally getting 
it about perfect and she finds this Cannondale on Craigslist, Synapse 6c listed 
at $500. Its finger lift light, weights maybe 8-10# with wheels and all. Its 
the perfect size for her and only slightly small for me.
On the way there I said "Offer $400" she replies "They said the price is firm", 
yeah right.
I was really proud when she said "So how firm are you?" and the guy said "How about 
$450?" He'd have taken $400 I bet but we both agreed he was real nice and honest about the 
bike and it wasn't worth working him over...
"Adventures in purchasing" I had a buddy who was a purchasing agent, he loved 
the haggle. I've never been much good at it but it appears I'm improving.

       From: Joel Cairo via Mercedes <>
Cc: Joel Cairo <>
  Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 2:16 PM
  Subject: Re: [MBZ] Fenders
Cash talks


On 7/20/16 2:13 PM, Curt Raymond via Mercedes wrote:
Its not MB content but I've got a little car news...
I don't know what made me think of it but last night I checked for 
fenders for our Golf. Both are buckled out slightly over the wheel from a slow 
impact just in front of each front door. The doors aren't bent and the car is 
straight, just ugly fenders is all.
Junkyard up the road has an '05 Golf with A0 (ie perfect) fenders, $70 each. I 
headed up there today and inquired. They are indeed perfect and still on the 
car. I asked if I could get a special price if I bought both and he said $100. 
A deal like that doesn't come along every day, the next best price I saw was 
$100 each!
So they're gonna pull them today, I'll pick up tomorrow. Meanwhile I need to 
get a can of color match paint. I'll hit 'em with 320 grit in the orbital, then 
a coat of primer, then a couple coats of paint and we should be good to go.
If I can get them painted by Monday they'll have next week to cure while I'm in 

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