Does he need help with bail?  I'll await the email.

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> On Aug 2, 2016, at 8:47 AM, Curley McLain via Mercedes 
> <> wrote:
> No parrot, but he had a hat/headress and a colorful cloth/sash over his 
> shoulder.
>> Floyd Thursby via Mercedes <>
>> August 2, 2016 at 8:40 AM
>> Did he have a parrot on his shoulder?  He cannot be King of Mandebvu without 
>> a parrot on his shoulder.
>> --FT
>> Curley McLain <>
>> August 1, 2016 at 9:34 PM
>> That is a great Story!   It bears preserving for posterity!
>> When I was on grad school, one of my friends was from CA, and another from 
>> Zimbabwe.  At a conference in  LA, We decided to rent a car and have Jim, 
>> the CA boy drive us around.  So we went to Venice beach and some other 
>> places, then went to the fufu mall (i forget the name) in the 
>> Hollywood/rodeo drive area.  Since the guy from Zimbabwe always walked like 
>> he was a king, and spoke the Queen's english like a Windsor, (and he was 
>> maybe 45+) we designated him to be, for the mall purposes, King Onward of 
>> Mandebvu.  We became his entourage.   The schtick was that he would look 
>> regal and say little or nothing, other than to order us around, or to 
>> critique the merchandise, which we'd have to "interpret" for the clerk.  So 
>> we'd walk into one of these fufu mall stores and the King would look all 
>> snooty.  Jim or I would explain to the clerks that this was King Onward and 
>> they should bow or curtsey.   It was quite entertaining.   In fact it was 
>> the best entertainment of ANY trip I have been o
>> After we left the mall we laughed so hard we could not stand.   The "king" 
>> was about as low key as your guy, a professional University Professor from 
>> before Zimbabwe melted down.
>> Floyd Thursby via Mercedes <>
>> August 1, 2016 at 7:25 PM
>> Some years back the company I worked for, for reasons never particularly 
>> clear, decided that we needed to do some business in Africa.  I think it had 
>> something to do with the fact that the president/founder of the company, who 
>> was Indian by way of London, got wrangled into some trade delegation the 
>> state had organized to go to Africa for "business development."  There 
>> weren't a lot of black company owners so they figured this guy would do.  
>> Anyway, at some point we ended up hiring this Malian guy, who was a really 
>> nice guy, to be our consultant in trying to get bidness going somewhere in 
>> Africa.  I thought this a complete waste of time and money, and it ended up 
>> being so, but no one listened to me so off we went.  Since our guy spoke 
>> French we concentrated on Cote d'Ivoire and Gabon, I think we ended up with 
>> maybe $25k in bidness after spending at least that much on travel and 
>> bribes, er, "consulting fees," and whatever.  I never went there but my boss 
>> did, and loved it.
>> This Malian guy had been living in the US for some time, and pretty much 
>> hated Africa, any part of Africa, because of the corruption, violence, 
>> poverty, kleptocrats, etc.  He was very politic in his expressions of his 
>> opinion, but he hated Africa in general, and Nigeria in particular.  One day 
>> over lunch he told me this story of the last time he had gone there, he had 
>> flown there from Bamako (his family home) after a visit.  Some relative of 
>> his was a big shot general in the Malian military, which was probably like 
>> being the sergeant in charge of the motor pool in some medium-sized American 
>> community, but whatever, this guy was connected.  So our guy bums a 
>> general's uniform from him to go to Nigeria, with all the medals and stars 
>> and gold stuff, and shoulder brushes, the big hat and all that stuff.  He 
>> got some other guy to come with him, probably some other cousin or 
>> something, dressed in a regular soldier's uniform, to be his gofer and bag 
>> carrier, kinda completing the whole im
 age.  No parrot on his shoulder though.
>> He gets to the airport there, and rather than the usual shakedown given to 
>> other Africans, he starts yelling at the customs guys, the guards, the 
>> airport staff, etc. in French as soon as he gets off the plane, waving his 
>> stick around, berating his gofer, walking along like he owns the place, the 
>> whole package.  He said it was great, no one gave him any trouble, no 
>> shakedowns, no "fees" and such, he got right through.  He had his client 
>> organize a big limo for him to go from the airport to the hotel, to look 
>> like a big shot too, and changed clothes in the car so he wouldn't draw any 
>> more attention once he cleared the airport.  This was all pretty funny as 
>> this guy was about as quiet and professional as someone could be, but in the 
>> act he was a tyrant.  He said it was a lot of fun.
>> He heard later from his big shot rel that the Nigerian military were all 
>> bent that they didn't know this distinguished visitor was coming, and had 
>> been calling the Malian military to find out who the hell he was, what he 
>> was doing there, and why he never surfaced.  They all thought the whole deal 
>> was pretty funny as they hated the Nigerians too.
>> --FT
>> G Mann via Mercedes <>
>> August 1, 2016 at 6:28 PM
>> Compared to Nigeria and Africa in general... USA politicians are rank
>> amateurs.
>> When I was in Nigeria last [3 yrs ago] the price for having someone killed
>> with a machete was $20.00 cash... if you wanted them shot, you had to buy
>> the gun and the killer got to keep it, so cost was higher... maybe
>> $150.00. Or, at your option, you could have the "offending party" captured
>> and sold into slavery, never to be seen again. The slaver takes a double
>> fee, one from you, one when the "slave" is sold.
>> Anyone in office had their hand out, or an assistant pushing a wheelbarrow
>> to carry the bribe demanded. with armed guards.
>> We are so civilized we can't imagine such things happening.
>> Mercedes are however very popular with elected officials there, armored
>> versions in particular.
>> On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 3:00 PM, Mountain Man via Mercedes <
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>> August 1, 2016 at 5:00 PM
>> Oh.
>> So... they are the people running our election process fiasco?
>> mao
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