I wouldn't have to plant drugs over there, I can smell them anytime the wind 
blows from the west...
A year or so ago my great uncle Fred died. My cousin Phil is executor of the 
will. Phil is a nice guy but not overly gifted in the thinking department. My 
dad was executor of great uncle Reg's estate so he's helping Phil out. Phil's 
sister Melanie is a real piece of work, 5 kids by 5 different fathers, a couple 
of whom she even married. With her father dead she's now seeing dollar signs.
Melanie decides she'll threaten Phil and my dad and leave a message on the 
machine that they're going to "get it" and the police will be all over them. 
We're all baffled so dad calls the police. An officer comes over and takes a 
recording, and tells dad that this happens all the time. Scum bags threaten 
other scum bags with police action. Being scum bags they're naturally afraid of 
the police. Of course my dad and Phil haven't done anything so they're 
effectively unthreaten-able since they haven't done anything to arise police 
ire. Melanie and her idiot husband got what must have been a hilarious visit 
from the police for these threatening phone calls...


      From: rogerhga--- via Mercedes <mercedes@okiebenz.com>
 To: "List, Mercedes" <mercedes@okiebenz.com> 
Cc: roger...@comcast.net
 Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2016 7:42 PM
 Subject: Re: [MBZ] Curt makes the news
Remember the Dallas episode where JR had drugs planted on an opponent and then 
arrested? Just a thought. I'm having trouble understanding some of the member 
opinions on this. Yes, we are free to do what we want, UNTIL it causes a 
problem for others. I have a neighbor who is a real a**hole and since I live in 
the country, I'm told you can do whatever you want in the country. My old 
civics teacher in high school many years ago summed up civic responsibility 
quite simply as, "my right to swing my arm ends where your nose begins". I 
think it's called respect for the rights and wishes of others as well as 
yourself. After all, we do all need to live in this society which means we all 
can't just "do whatever we want". Just some additional thoughts on this topic. 
Best Wishes, 
Roger Hale 
Dinnerware Classics, Inc. 
Monroe, Ga. 


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