Although the current court would disagree, the SC can only render an opinion, and it is up to the gress of cons to take corrective action, or to tell them "thanks for your opinion." The spineless gress of cons has grown much more spineless in the past 85 years, and has refused to do their job, leaving us with a SC that thinks they "make law" and a resident who thinks he is a dic tator. In reality the resident is just a wannabe BB player, a wannabe gofer, and a dick head who couldn't grow a tator. (or anything else)

Shyster schools are also to blame for teaching this BS to the young mushy skulls.

Floyd Thursby via Mercedes <>
September 28, 2016 at 10:40 AM
My BIL is sorta like DSnook, and was seriously considering H->er. I pointed out something his dad (my FIL), a pretty smart lawyer like DSnook, said some years ago, maybe when BJ was running the first time -- a president is somewhat transient and most of whatever they do can be undone after a time if it is really bad, but the Supreme Court establishes the laws that control the nation pretty much forever. So think of who will be appointing the SCOTUS justices when you make your selection. I think that goes more to one's core beliefs than the Resident of the US.



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