There is a guy here on this Island who is married to a DuPont, they have quite an estate, almost rivaling my vast estate. He is a bit, um, challenging to deal with though we get on reasonably well. Reasonably well, given my tolerance for pomposity, arrogance, and hubristic behavior. His opinion of himself is somewhat elevated beyond that of anyone else who knows him. More than somewhat.


On 10/15/16 9:42 PM, Curley McLain via Mercedes wrote:
E I Dupont de Neumours   The original "merkun Daddy Warbucks!

Since 1760 or before....

Got rich makin gunpowder for the continental  congress.

Fred Moir via Mercedes <>
October 15, 2016 at 7:26 PM
"Now we're supposed to replace HFC with hideously expensive stuff because HFC
might make an immeasurable contribution to global temperatures?"


Now we're supposed to replace HFC with hideously expensive stuff because HFC
might make an immeasurable contribution to DuPont's bottom line?

Surely not!

Fred Moir.


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