Pull your head out of the sand. It has already been proven that the "concensus" is fake, and the data was faked.

Reality sucks, but it is real.

Show me an SPC run chart covering not 200 years, but 20,000 years or 2 million years that shows the temperature process is out of control.

Old Sol runs the temps, not your buddy's escalade.
Andrew Strasfogel <mailto:astrasfo...@gmail.com>
December 7, 2016 at 10:17 AM
Here's another example of what Breitbart does to twist the truth:

  Weather Channel blasts Breitbart climate claims

 E&E News reporter

Published: Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Weather Channel issued a terse response to a recent Breitbart News Network story that questioned the existence of climate change, chiding the publication for using one of its clips out of context.

"Note to @BreitbartNews: Earth is not Cooling, Climate Change is Real and Stop Using Our Video to Mislead Americans," the channel tweeted, rebuking the conservative website.

The Breitbart story, titled "Global Temperatures Plunge. Icy Silence from Climate Alarmists," drew on satellite land temperature data to argue that the planet is cooling. It included a clip of a Weather Channel video that described the wintry effects of the La Niña phenomenon in the Pacific Ocean.

While the publication has a history of questioning climate science and, according to scientists, cherry-picking facts to support a narrative, this story was later tweeted out by the House Science, Space and Technology Committee. That, scientists said, gave it a perceived degree of validity.

The Weather Channel post accuses Breitbart of building a misleading case.

"Though we would prefer to focus on our usual coverage of weather and climate science, in this case we felt it important to add our two cents — especially because a video clip from weather.com <http://weather.com> ... was prominently featured at the top of the Breitbart article," it stated, adding that it should not be assumed that the channel endorsed the views of the story.

Echoing the statements of climate scientists who responded to the news story, the Weather Channel pointed out that satellite-based data of land areas are not representative of global temperatures, especially since land only accounts for a third of the planet's surface. Combining land and ocean data indicate that the lower atmosphere reached record temperatures in November.

The post also linked to a detailed response from experts Bob Henson and Jeff Masters, who referred to the Breitbart stance as "a plump cherry, carefully picked."

"[Our response] was aimed at people who might have seen the Breitbart story and thought, hey, the Weather Channel approves of what they're saying," said Masters, director of meteorology for Weather Underground.

While Breitbart could legally use the clip under a content-sharing agreement, he added that it bolstered the idea that the Weather Channel endorses this particular point of view.

"They shouldn't be using Weather Channel videos to make a case for their political views. The weather is what it is — scientists are showing that the planet is at record warmth now. It's very disappointing that Breitbart chose to deliberately distort the facts," said Masters.

He pointed out that with the current transition from the El Niño to La Niña, a sharp cooling in air temperatures is to be expected.

Other claims made in the Breitbart story — including the assertion that the last three years might not have touched record temperatures were it not for the El Niño phenomenon — were also questioned by the Weather Channel.

Their response concluded with a testy offering of help.

"Finally, to our friends at Breitbart: The next time you write a climate change article and need fact checking help, please call. We're here for you. I'm sure we both agree this topic is too important to get wrong."

Breitbart columnist James Delingpole did not reply to a request for comment.

Curley McLain <mailto:126die...@gmail.com>
December 7, 2016 at 9:25 AM
If you can actually read that, you want to barf. Whatever that is may have been born a boy, but certainly is not a man, nor a guy. Arnold's girrrrrlyboy or the buttercup label might fit.

Mitch Haley via Mercedes <mailto:mercedes@okiebenz.com>
December 7, 2016 at 7:07 AM
This guy needed assistance to get through election night:


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clay via Mercedes <mailto:mercedes@okiebenz.com>
December 6, 2016 at 10:32 PM
This silliness that the progressives are engaged in would have resulted in massive condemnation had it been unleashed against the boy who won the whitehouse in 08. There would have been screeching from the top of lung that this sort of behavior was so egregious that it would have lasted all of five minutes before shock troops were called in to quell the hate speech and rioting. Now, we just have to watch these idiot have existential crisis and failure to acknowledge reality for weeks, if not months on end. Mayhap they will finally suffer a breakdown and get the institutional assistance they need. If so, they need to do it swiftly before OsamaCare is defunded.



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Curley McLain <mailto:126die...@gmail.com>
December 6, 2016 at 9:02 PM
OK, did some research.  Here is the straight poop:

"fake news" is the CCF/DNC/(J) code word for truth they don't want to hear. As a devoted fan of CCF, Andrew can't face the truth that the BW itch lost.

Alt-rite is a boogeyman they made up. (they believe they won) These are part of the sacred rites of the CCF/DNC/(J) group of delusional robots.

Reality sucks, especially if you are a CCF/DNC/(J) delusional robot.


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