In a message dated 2/26/2006 9:09:40 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, PONDERSOA  

this bastard  ,,,,,,,
should be eviscerated  ....
in  front of his family ......
on  Christmas day .
Pregnant Girl Beaten to Death with  Baseball Bat 
 (  UPDATED - Saturday  January 29, 2005 

    Dale City, Va. (AP) - A Dale City man is in jail for  allegedly beating 
his pregnant teenage girlfriend to death with a baseball  bat, Prince William 

Carlos Diangilo  Williams, 26, of Dale City, was arrested Thursday after 
police said he beat  Cheri Washington, 17, with a bat and also stomped and 
her, said  Detective Dennis Mangan. Washington had gone to Williams' home to 
talk about  her pregnancy, he said. 

Williams  had been charged with malicious wounding, but after Washington and 
her fetus  died Mangan said the charges probably would be upgraded.  

"She was pretty much bludgeoned. She went there to talk to  him about the 
baby, and that's what the argument was over," Mangan said.  "The injuries she 
would be consistent with a very violent attack." 

Mangan said Washington went to Williams' home around 9  a.m., and left the 
house shortly before 2 p.m. after being beaten. She  collapsed on the street 
was later taken to Potomac Hospital, where she  told police officers what had 

Washington's  condition worsened Thursday night and she was flown to Inova 
Fairfax  hospital, where she died Friday morning. 

Williams is being  held without bond at the Prince William County jail.  

Copyright 2005 by _The Associated  Press_ 
( .
Judge to decide Williams'  fate                             

Carlos Diangilo  Williams 

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

After a day of gut-wrenching testimony, the trial of a  Dale City man accused 
of beating a pregnant teenager to death is down to the  verdict.  
Circuit Court Judge Richard B. Potter is expected to render a decision  this 
morning in the murder trial of 27-year-old Carlos Diangilo Williams,  who is 
accused of killing 17-year-old Cheri Washington and her unborn  child. 
Williams is charged with the murder of a pregnant woman, abduction and  
feticide. Both the murder and feticide charges carry a possible death  
Though much of the testimony Monday was graphic and gruesome -- at times  
sending Washington's friends and relatives from the courtroom in tears --  
Williams mostly stared straight ahead and showed little expression. 
The central figure during the trial Monday was Stephen James Covington  Jr., 
Williams' cousin who is also charged with Washington's murder. 
Covington, 19, testified in detail about the circumstances he said lead  to 
Washington's death: her pregnancy, Williams anger and the savage beating  that 
took her life. 
However, Williams' defense attorney Tracey Lenox called Covington's story  
questionable, saying he testified in the hope that prosecutors would lessen  
own murder and feticide charges. 
Covington had known Cheri Washington since they were in middle school  
together. He was a friend of her brother, and she lived just down the  street, 
Covington testified Monday. 
When Williams finished college and moved in with Covington and his  family, 
he was introduced to Washington. The two had sex the first night  they met, 
Covington said. 
Later, Washington confided to Covington that she was pregnant. 
Covington told his cousin, and Williams started pressuring Washington to  
have an abortion, Covington said. 
On Jan. 26 -- the night before Washington died -- Covington was at his  
parents' Dixon Court home, drinking beer with a friend and Williams,  Covington 
Williams said Washington was coming over the next morning, and that he  might 
have to "do her in," Covington said. 
Williams was shadow boxing as he said it, and Covington testified that he  
didn't take the threat seriously. 
The next day, Covington woke up to the sounds of Washington and Williams  
having sex in an adjoining bedroom, he said. 
But the noises in the bedroom turned to screams, and Williams came in  
Covington's bedroom and asked for a baseball bat, Covington said. 
In the hours that followed, Williams tied Washington up with duct tape,  
waved a knife at her, beat her with the bat and kicked her in the stomach,  
Covington said. 
Covington testified that he was in the back room during most of the  beating, 
but said he brought Williams the tape to tie Washington up and saw  him 
poking her with the bat and stomping on her stomach. 
After repeatedly threatening to kill her and securing a signed statement  
that the baby wasn't his, Williams dressed Washington and let her leave,  
Covington said. 
Bleeding profusely, Washington stumbled down the street. A passerby  picked 
her up and drove her home. 
When her daughter came home bloody and disoriented, Joanne Washington  called 
an ambulance and met her daughter at Potomac Hospital, Joanne  Washington 
testified Monday. 
According to Theresa Chase, the paramedic who was in the ambulance, Cheri  
Washington was hysterical on the ride on the hospital, holding her abdomen  and 
saying, "He killed my baby. Carlos killed my baby." 
At the hospital, Cheri Washington said repeatedly that Williams had  attacked 
her, Joanne Washington said in court Monday. 
"She said that they held her and Carlos beat her with the bat," Joanne  
Washington testified. 
Cheri Washington was flown to a Fairfax hospital, where she died later  that 
Among her wounds were multiple contusions, a laceration on her arm,  internal 
hemorrhages in her brain and in her chest, a ruptured liver and a  split 
placenta, medical examiner Frances Field testified. 
The cause of Washington's death was blunt trauma to the head and abdomen,  
Field said. The fetus died from both the mother's wounds and its own, she  
A state law passed last year allowed prosecutors to charge Williams with  
both murder and a separate charge for killing the unborn child. 
Monday marked the first time the feticide charge has been tried in Prince  
William County. 
Police arrested Williams the same day Washington died, and recovered  
bloodstained clothes, a baseball bat and a boot from the house, as well as a  
hand-written note that said Cheri Washington's baby was not fathered by  
DNA tests showed conclusively the blood on clothes taken from Williams'  
house was Cheri Washington's, Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney James  Willett 
The tragic irony of the case was that Williams wasn't the unborn child's  
father, Willett said. 
When prosecutors finished their case, Williams' attorney asked Judge  Potter 
to strike the charges against her client, saying the case was built  on 
untrustworthy testimony from Covington. 
Lenox said Covington had every reason to expect to benefit from  testifying 
against his cousin. 
Though facing murder, feticide and abduction charges in connection with  
Washington's death, as well as a separate grand larceny charge, Covington is  
on bond. He is scheduled to enter a plea in late January. 
But both prosecutors and Covington said he hadn't been promised anything  in 
return for his testimony. 
"Sometimes you have to pet a skunk to catch another skunk, but this time  we 
didn't have to pet the skunk," Commonwealth's Attorney Paul B. Ebert said  in 
his closing statement. 
Covington said he was testifying out of guilt for not intervening during  the 
beating, or calling authorities. 
During cross-examination, Lenox also accused Covington of lying to the  
police following the incident. 
Covington freely admitted that he initially lied to police about what  
happened, saying he wanted to talk it over with his parents and attorney  
"Steve Covington has ample reason to mislead you," Lenox said to Potter  in 
her closing statements. 
No witnesses testified in Williams'  defense.

Forwarded Message: 
9:05:37 P.M. Eastern Standard Time  From: _PONDERSOA_ (mailto:PONDERSOA)   To: 
_ERogerdeep_ (mailto:ERogerdeep) , _JASZCAP_ (mailto:JASZCAP) , _JH2SWEET_ 
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(mailto:Prochambers) , [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) , 

this bastard  ,,,,,,,
should be eviscerated  ....
in front of his family  ......
on Christmas day  .
Pregnant Girl Beaten to Death  with Baseball Bat 
 (  UPDATED - Saturday January 29, 2005 12:41pm

    Dale City, Va. (AP) - A Dale City man is in jail for  allegedly beating 
his pregnant teenage girlfriend to death with a  baseball bat, Prince William 

Carlos Diangilo Williams, 26, of Dale  City, was arrested Thursday after 
police said he beat Cheri Washington,  17, with a bat and also stomped and 
her, said Detective Dennis  Mangan. Washington had gone to Williams' home to 
talk about her  pregnancy, he said. 

Williams  had been charged with malicious wounding, but after Washington and 
her  fetus died Mangan said the charges probably would be upgraded. 

"She was pretty much bludgeoned. She went there to talk  to him about the 
baby, and that's what the argument was over," Mangan  said. "The injuries she 
would be consistent with a very violent  attack." 

Mangan said Washington went to Williams' home  around 9 a.m., and left the 
house shortly before 2 p.m. after being  beaten. She collapsed on the street 
was later taken to Potomac  Hospital, where she told police officers what had 

Washington's condition worsened Thursday night and she  was flown to Inova 
Fairfax hospital, where she died Friday morning. 

Williams is being held without bond at the Prince  William County jail.  

Copyright 2005 by _The Associated  Press_ 
( .
Judge to decide Williams'  fate                             

Carlos Diangilo  Williams 

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

After a day of gut-wrenching testimony, the trial of  a Dale City man accused 
of beating a pregnant teenager to death is down  to the verdict.  
Circuit Court Judge Richard B. Potter is expected to render a  decision this 
morning in the murder trial of 27-year-old Carlos Diangilo  Williams, who is 
accused of killing 17-year-old Cheri Washington and her  unborn child. 
Williams is charged with the murder of a pregnant woman, abduction  and 
feticide. Both the murder and feticide charges carry a  possible death 
Though much of the testimony Monday was graphic and gruesome -- at  times 
sending Washington's friends and relatives from the courtroom in  tears -- 
Williams mostly stared straight ahead and showed little  expression. 
The central figure during the trial Monday was Stephen James  Covington Jr., 
Williams' cousin who is also charged with Washington's  murder. 
Covington, 19, testified in detail about the circumstances he said  lead to 
Washington's death: her pregnancy, Williams anger and the savage  beating that 
took her life. 
However, Williams' defense attorney Tracey Lenox called Covington's  story 
questionable, saying he testified in the hope that prosecutors  would lessen 
own murder and feticide charges. 
Covington had known Cheri Washington since they were in middle school  
together. He was a friend of her brother, and she lived just down the  street, 
Covington testified Monday. 
When Williams finished college and moved in with Covington and his  family, 
he was introduced to Washington. The two had sex the first night  they met, 
Covington said. 
Later, Washington confided to Covington that she was pregnant. 
Covington told his cousin, and Williams started pressuring Washington  to 
have an abortion, Covington said. 
On Jan. 26 -- the night before Washington died -- Covington was at  his 
parents' Dixon Court home, drinking beer with a friend and Williams,  Covington 
Williams said Washington was coming over the next morning, and that  he might 
have to "do her in," Covington said. 
Williams was shadow boxing as he said it, and Covington testified  that he 
didn't take the threat seriously. 
The next day, Covington woke up to the sounds of Washington and  Williams 
having sex in an adjoining bedroom, he said. 
But the noises in the bedroom turned to screams, and Williams came in  
Covington's bedroom and asked for a baseball bat, Covington said. 
In the hours that followed, Williams tied Washington up with duct  tape, 
waved a knife at her, beat her with the bat and kicked her in the  stomach, 
Covington said. 
Covington testified that he was in the back room during most of the  beating, 
but said he brought Williams the tape to tie Washington up and  saw him 
poking her with the bat and stomping on her stomach. 
After repeatedly threatening to kill her and securing a signed  statement 
that the baby wasn't his, Williams dressed Washington and let  her leave, 
Covington said. 
Bleeding profusely, Washington stumbled down the street. A passerby  picked 
her up and drove her home. 
When her daughter came home bloody and disoriented, Joanne Washington  called 
an ambulance and met her daughter at Potomac Hospital, Joanne  Washington 
testified Monday. 
According to Theresa Chase, the paramedic who was in the ambulance,  Cheri 
Washington was hysterical on the ride on the hospital, holding her  abdomen and 
saying, "He killed my baby. Carlos killed my baby." 
At the hospital, Cheri Washington said repeatedly that Williams had  attacked 
her, Joanne Washington said in court Monday. 
"She said that they held her and Carlos beat her with the bat,"  Joanne 
Washington testified. 
Cheri Washington was flown to a Fairfax hospital, where she died  later that 
Among her wounds were multiple contusions, a laceration on her arm,  internal 
hemorrhages in her brain and in her chest, a ruptured liver and  a split 
placenta, medical examiner Frances Field testified. 
The cause of Washington's death was blunt trauma to the head and  abdomen, 
Field said. The fetus died from both the mother's wounds and  its own, she 
A state law passed last year allowed prosecutors to charge Williams  with 
both murder and a separate charge for killing the unborn child. 
Monday marked the first time the feticide charge has been tried in  Prince 
William County. 
Police arrested Williams the same day Washington died, and recovered  
bloodstained clothes, a baseball bat and a boot from the house, as well  as a 
hand-written note that said Cheri Washington's baby was not  fathered by 
DNA tests showed conclusively the blood on clothes taken from  Williams' 
house was Cheri Washington's, Assistant Commonwealth's  Attorney James Willett 
The tragic irony of the case was that Williams wasn't the unborn  child's 
father, Willett said. 
When prosecutors finished their case, Williams' attorney asked Judge  Potter 
to strike the charges against her client, saying the case was  built on 
untrustworthy testimony from Covington. 
Lenox said Covington had every reason to expect to benefit from  testifying 
against his cousin. 
Though facing murder, feticide and abduction charges in connection  with 
Washington's death, as well as a separate grand larceny charge,  Covington is 
on bond. He is scheduled to enter a plea in late  January. 
But both prosecutors and Covington said he hadn't been promised  anything in 
return for his testimony. 
"Sometimes you have to pet a skunk to catch another skunk, but this  time we 
didn't have to pet the skunk," Commonwealth's Attorney Paul B.  Ebert said in 
his closing statement. 
Covington said he was testifying out of guilt for not intervening  during the 
beating, or calling authorities. 
During cross-examination, Lenox also accused Covington of lying to  the 
police following the incident. 
Covington freely admitted that he initially lied to police about what  
happened, saying he wanted to talk it over with his parents and attorney  
"Steve Covington has ample reason to mislead you," Lenox said to  Potter in 
her closing statements. 
No witnesses testified in Williams'  defense.

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