There is a bid difference between record profits and profit MARGINS. The profits can be record but the margins stay the same.

Luther Gulseth wrote:

More BioD or Ethanol production will not lower prices. The powers that be know that the market can handle the price it's currently at, they're money hungry, and won't let the price drop much (record profits from Exon/Mobil last 4th quarter???). BioD production can cost less than diesel per gallon, but yet the BioD prices are similar to the petro prices. Also, stations that sell B99 can receive a tax refund of $0.99/gal for each gallon of BioD they sell. Where does that money go? Deffinately NOT to the stays at the money hungry suplier.
If you had a product to sell, and you knew the top dollar that it would fetch 
that wouldn't diminish the volume of sales, wouldn't you push the price to the 
top dollar???


Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
 90 420SEL, 89 560SEL, 87 300SDL, 85 380SE, 85 300D,
 84 190D 2.2, 83 300TD, 81 300TD, 81 240D, 81 240D,
 76 450SEL, 76 240D, 76 300D, 74 240D, 72 250C, 69 250

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