WRT Souvenir passports, Texas (for one) issues them as well. They are fun, but 
(obviously) not a valid travel document. There should never be an I&NS or CBP 
admission stamp in one of these, but official souvenir stamps would be ok. I 
have a couple of souvenir stamps from the QE2 in my US passport. I do have a 
Texas passport somewhere.

I've never been to the Conch Republic, though I almost got sent there on a TDY. 
I volunteered for a TDY to Havana to interview Marielitos, but the venue was 
changed to Key West...er... I mean the Conch Republic. They gave me very short 
notice and I was unable to make it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mercedes [mailto:mercedes-boun...@okiebenz.com] On Behalf Of archer75--- 
via Mercedes
Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2017 12:23 PM
To: Mercedes Discussion List
Cc: arche...@embarqmail.com
Subject: [MBZ] Alexa and Key West

> Jeff Bezos:  "Alexa, buy me something from Whole Foods”
> Alexa: “Buying Whole Foods”
> Jeff Bezos: “Sh*t”
> -D
We have a potentially serious situation building right here in Florida, Dan:

"Since the United States has once again declared its sovereignty over Key West; 
otherwise known as the Conch Repubic; it has declared war on the United States.

Little is still known about the progress of the war but borders have been 
closed and the U.S.Navy is known to be on the way for a suspected invasion.

The Conch Republic has a massive store of ammunition in the form of stale Cuban 
bread, so the outcome is anyones guess.

The last attempt of the U.S. to take over the Conch Republic ended in the 
defeat of the USA which had set up a roadblock on the only road out of the 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Key West Declared War on the United States in 1982 The string of islands 
‘seceded’ from the Union and became the Conch Republic


The people of Key West, Florida don’t take kindly to bullies, especially 
federal bullies. When Washington blocked the only road to the mainland, the 
islanders formed their own nation … then caused a series of international 

It all started on April 18, 1982, when residents and tourists leaving the 
Florida Keys ran into an unexpected delay. Without prior notice, the U.S. 
Border Patrol had set up a roadblock and checkpoint on U.S. Route 1 in front of 
Skeeter’s Last Chance Saloon in Florida City. It was the only road out of town.

Although they were not crossing a national border, agents required U.S. 
citizens leaving the Keys to verify their citizenship and submit their vehicles 
to a search. That’s despite the roadblock not being on an international border.

The roadblock served to prevent undocumented immigrants from entering the U.S. 
through the Keys. The area had seen an influx of immigrants and refuges from 
Cuba since the Mariel Boatlift two years earlier. But Border Patrol agents also 
used the stops to search for illegal drugs.

The delays often lasted several hours, causing traffic to back up for up to 19 
miles. It was an inconvenience for residents, but more importantly — it 
discouraged tourists from visiting the Keys. Tourism is a large source of 
income to the islanders … and they were losing money daily.

“No one in Key West doubted that drugs were trafficked widely in the Keys by 
road and by boat” government professor Robert Kerstein wrote in Key West on the 
Edge — Inventing the Conch Republic. “But tourism’s boosters had little 
tolerance for interruptions to their business.”

Dennis Wardlow — then Key West’s mayor — acted quickly to address the crisis. 
He contacted the city’s chief of police, the sheriff of Monroe County, the 
district’s Florida State representative and Gov. Bob Graham to find out who 
ordered the roadblock and to demand its removal.

None of them knew who called for the barrier, but they all knew they didn’t 
have the authority to close it. Wardlow finally contacted the Border Patrol 
directly. It didn’t go well.

    The captain of the Border Patrol told Wardlow the roadblock was “none of 
his business.”

“Don’t tell a Conch it’s none of your business,” the mayor replied, invoking 
the nickname of residents of the Keys. The Border Patrol had unwittingly sown 
the seeds of rebellion.

Wardlow consulted with his city council, business leaders and tourism boosters 
to discuss the federal agency’s “attack on Key West’s sovereignty.” They 
decided to seek an injunction from the federal district court in Miami to get 
the roadblock removed.

On April 22, a small group of Conchs — including Wardlow and local attorney and 
pilot David Paul Horan — flew to Miami. When Miami’s U.S. District Judge C. 
Clyde Atkins failed to issue the injunction, he left the citizens of the Keys 
with little recourse.

“Tomorrow at noon the Florida Keys will secede from the Union!” Wardlow 
announced to reporters gathered on the courthouse steps on his way out of the 
building. He and his associates headed home to prepare.

“The first act of rebellion occurred before they had even returned to Key 
West,” Kerstein wrote. “Horan, a seasoned pilot, buzzed the roadblock on their 
flight back to the island city.”

Back in Key West, Wardlow and his co-conspirators rapidly organized a new 
government — albeit a bit tongue-in-cheek. They assigned around 30 officials 
and civic leaders to new posts such as the secretary of underwater affairs and 
the minister of nutrition.

    “By establishing that border they have declared us a foreign nation,” he 
told reporters. “We’re tired of the U.S. government picking on little Key West.”

He vowed to negotiate only with Pres. Ronald Reagan or Vice Pres. George H. W. 
Bush (Bully-in-Chief). “I guess they think we’re kidding, and we’re not,” he 

Federal agents arrived to monitor the situation. Wardlow, the newly appointed 
government and a throng of supporters and media gathered at Clinton Square at 
noon the next day to officially announce the Keys’ secession.

They lowered the Stars and Stripes from the flagpole, and raised the blue and 
yellow flag of the new Conch Republic. Wardlow read the “Conch Republic 
Proclamation of Secession.”

“We serve notice to the government in Washington to remove the roadblock or get 
ready to put up a permanent border to a new foreign land,” he said. “If we’re 
not equal, we’ll get out. It’s as simple as that … big trouble has started in 
much smaller places than this.”

Wardlow — now serving as prime minister of the new nation — declared “war” on 
the United States by breaking a stale loaf of Cuban bread over the head of a 
man dressed in a U.S. Navy uniform. Citizens of the new republic began lobbing 
stale bread and conch fritters at federal agents, Navy sailors and Coast Guard 
personal in attendance.

    Approximately one minute after declaring war and firing a “verbal shot” at 
the U.S., Wardlow surrendered to a nearby naval officer and requested $1 
billion in foreign aid to compensate for “the long federal siege.”

The Conch Republic never received any “foreign aid” or war restitution. But the 
spectacle attracted enough publicity to convince the feds to remove the 
roadblock. The micro-nation had won.

The idea of the “Conch Republic” became both a source of local pride and a 
major means of promoting tourism in the Keys. Businesses began selling t-shirts 
and bumper stickers with the micro-nation’s emblem and slogan — “We Seceded 
Where Others Failed.”

The Conch Republic’s secretary general even issues “souvenir” passports for 
citizens and diplomats. The application fee for a passport ranges from $100 to 
$1,200, depending on status.

“Sir” Peter Anderson — who served as secretary general until his death in 2014 
— claimed he had used his diplomatic passport to travel to at least 30 other 
nations, including Russia. He even claimed to have re-entered the U.S. with it 
on at least five occasions.

On Oct. 3, 2001, the Miami Herald reported that the Federal Bureau of 
Investigation was investigating the possibility that Mohammad Atta — one of the 
9/11 hijackers — used a Conch Republic passport to enter the U.S. after it 
learned someone with the same name received such passport in the fall of 2000.

The FBI could never determine for certain if it was the same Atta, but the 
possibility of someone using the souvenir passports to enter the U.S. may not 
be as far fetched as it seems.

“A review of Anderson’s Conch Republic passports shows what appear to be five 
red INS stamps, including a May 29, 1998, stamp at Miami International Airport, 
three from Key West and a 1994 stamp in San Juan, Puerto Rico,” Herald reporter 
Jennifer Babson wrote.

By the end of 2000, the Conch Republic had already issued more than 10,000 of 
the passports.

Today, the U.S. and the Conch Republic enjoy peaceful relations. The tiny faux 
nation still celebrates the anniversary of its secession with 10 days of 
parades, parties, fundraisers, a flag raising at Fort Taylor and the Great 
Conch Republic Drag Race — in which volunteers push female impersonators down 
Duvall Street in modified shopping carts and buggies.

The tiny republic never officially declared war on the U.S. again, but 
occasional diplomatic saber rattling and military skirmishes continued.

On Sept. 20, 1995, local radio station WPIK reported that the U.S. Army’s 478th 
Civil Affairs Battalion planned to conduct a mock invasion and occupation of an 
island. The Army didn’t notify Key West officials about the operation, and the 
latter took that failure as an assault on their sovereign nation.

Island officials contacted Pres. Bill Clinton, the U.S. Army and the Navy to 
advise them that they would oppose the planned “invasion.” The Conch Republic 
Armed Forces mobilized and a call went out for residents to “defend the nation.”

On Sept. 21, the Conch Republic Navy — a modest fleet of fireboats and private 
vessels — attacked Navy and Coast Guard ships in Key West Harbor with water 
hoses, water balloons and volleys of stale Cuban bread and conch fritters.

    The attack caught the Naval command off guard, at least from a public 
relations perspective. The local commander “surrendered” his ships and ordered 
his men to lay down their arms.

U.S. ground troops attempting to enter the island by bridge met a similar fate, 
when a force of 200 locals blocked their path and refused to let them pass 
until they formally requested permission.

The standoff ended peacefully, and the Army sent a letter later that day 
stating the exercises “in no way meant to challenge or impugn the sovereignty 
of the Conch Republic.”

Only a few months later, tensions simmered again as a partial shutdown of the 
federal government led to the closure of Fort Jefferson at Dry Tortugas 
National Park. The closure of the fort cost the Keys an estimated $30,000 a day 
in tourism revenue.

After learning that the fort cost only $1,600 a day to operate, city officials 
and business leaders offered to raise the money to run the park. But they 
couldn’t get a hold of anyone in the state or federal government who knew how 
to make that happen.

So an elite Conch air force unit landed at Fort Jefferson to “declare the fort 
open in the name of the Conch Republic.” They found the park rangers and 
offered them a check to reopen the fort. The rangers refused, issued the Conchs 
a citation for trespassing on federal property and told them to leave.

The islanders retreated to Key West, and the feds later dropped the charges.

Relations normalized after 1995, with only a brief flare up when the Conch 
Republic “annexed” the abandoned Seven Mile Bridge in 2006.

When 15 Cuban refugees landed at the base of the bridge, the Border Patrol and 
Coast Guard ordered they return to Cuba. They argued that the bridge wasn’t 
U.S. territory — a precondition as part of the U.S. wet foot, dry foot policy 
allowing undocumented Cuban immigrants to stay if they make it to American soil.

Anderson led a landing party of Conchs who staked miniature flags along the 
bridge. “Since the federal government decided in its infinite wisdom that the 
old Seven Mile Bridge is not territory of the United States, the Conch Republic 
is very interested,” he told reporters.

The federal government “chose not to defend” the bridge from the Conch 
invasion. “It could be a model green community,” he said, “with composting 
toilets, wind and solar power, rainwater collection, like living on a boat, 

The islanders still boast a “standing” army, navy and air force. They say it’s 
just to re-enact battles with U.S. Coast Guard and Navy. But if you’re ever in 
Key West, watch out for stale Cuban bread.


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