No, Andrew, the MARKET did NOT speak. The GOOBERS in the GOOBERMNT spoke, and threw, and are throwing billions of illegally taken taxpayer Dollars to support economically unfeasible solar and wind.

For example, Tesla: Most of the cost of production is goobermnt money. (Not to mention solendra) Example MidAmerican Energy CEO was asked how much of the billions of bucks being spent for their latest wind farms was tax dollars. He looked at the interviewer and answered HONESTLY! He said "All of it"

Get yer facts straight. Goobers distort the markets, and nearly every market has been distorted by our out of control goobers. Even the illegal drug market is distorted by goobers.

(Not politics, ECONOMICS)
Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes <>
June 30, 2017 at 10:48 AM
Meade, by now the market place has spoken. The trend toward solar and wind
is overwhelming. This doesn't mean that gas cars will be phased out
overnight but the writing is on the wall.


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