Heh.  I find it interesting when I grocery shop.  I typically go very early on 
Sunday mornings so I have the place (WalMart) to myself.  Despite the early 
hour, I still see potential entries for the “People of WalMart” blog.  Ugh.

What’s even better is the stark contrast when I leave WalMart and go to Publix, 
which is pretty upscale here.  The difference in the demographics is like night 
and day, sort of like the black and white to color transition in the Wizard of 

I will never relax my hatred for WalMart.  I saw them come into the small town 
I lived in in Wisconsin and destroy a very vibrant and valued downtown of 
privately owned merchants.  I knew a couple of those business owners, and I saw 
what WalMart’s presence did to them.  For one in particular, it destroyed their 
livelihood and what would have provided them a comfortable retirement.  
Instead, they were nearly destitute and bordered on needing public assistance a 
year later.  I know this because I saw it happen, and I also contributed 
heavily to helping these people in the aftermath.  I am very, very bitter about 
this and will likely never give in.  Imagine having a business you committed 
40-50 years of your life to practically vaporize in a few months because some 
corporate behemoth with resources so far beyond what you could ever muster 
shows up and runs you out of business.  Bastards.

Last time I was in Sears was at least 10 years ago.  It was alien to me, mainly 
because the demographic they were targeting was clearly not me.  At least the 
Sears near me wasn’t - I say that because all of the signs were in Spanish with 
English below - the opposite of what you might see at any other major retailer. 
 None of the people (clientele) in the store looked like me, either.  It was 
really, really weird.  I’ve never gone back.


> On Dec 13, 2017, at 4:50 PM, Curt Raymond via Mercedes 
> <mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:
> I actually relaxed my hated for Wal-Mart some when I realized it was actually 
> the Wal-Martians I hated, not the place itself.My local WM closes at 10pm so 
> I if I need something I aim to get there at 9:30 when its mostly empty. 
> I'm surprised recently to find more "Made in USA" stuff there, in particular 
> I've been buying Allen soft gun cases, they're cheaper than Amazon and "Made 
> in USA" as opposed to "Made in China" from Amazon...
> -Curt
>    On Wednesday, December 13, 2017, 4:33:03 PM EST, Curley McLain via 
> Mercedes <mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:  
> I understand your dislike for the  el mercado de wal.  I used to dislike 
> them as much, and was ambivalent about the river of big women.  However, 
> this the gaming (and the prices) by the Jeffturd crew has gotten worse, 
> while the mercado de wall now allows third party vendors, and in many 
> cases, the stuff can be delivered to the local store free.  I see the 
> dead sam crew becoming more customer friendly at the same time jeffturd 
> crew has become more spiteful toward its customers.
> I dislike both, but it is getting to the point where i'd rather buy from 
> dead sam than jeffturd.
> Up yours, Dead Sam!
> Up yours, Jeffturd!


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