i don't think it's a legislative thing - i'm pretty sure that's a
business-dependent decision.  if you order tires from Tire Rack or somewhere
else, then have them mounted by that shop I'm pretty sure they'd do it.

> Thanks for the link (worked for me) -- BTW, while at Costco I  was
> checking
> tire prices in my size 195/65-15 (91 300D) and he said they now only carry
> Michelin ($120) and BF Goodrich ($78) - they used to carry many more
> brands - I asked about going with a 60 aspect ratio and he pulled one of
> each size so I could see the difference.  Then, he said, we are only
> allowed
> to install the size specified by the manufacturer - which for me is the
> 195/65-15.
> Since when did we need a mandate to tell us what tires to use?  Were there
> stupid people trying to fit 145/80/14s to a 560SEL?  And they sued someone
> when they didn;t quite work out?
> Our politicians must have entirely too much time on their hands if this is
> the kind of stuff they're debating.  IMHO of course.
> Or, is this another one of those laws to protect the vast population of
> truely stupid people?  or is that stooopid?
> Talk about the dumbing down of the population ---  maybe I'm being too
> picky -
> Sincerely,
> Larry T ('74 911, '67 MGB, 91 300D Turbo)
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> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 7:46 PM
> Subject: [MBZ] Tire size calculator
> > Since the subject of changing to non-original tire sizes comes up from
> > time
> > to time, here's a website that will be useful.
> >
> > www.magrowheels.com/sizing.calculator.htm
> >
> > An "unsigned post" so that Marshall doesn't have to respond.
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Sunil Hari
1992 300D 2.5T - 286Kmi.

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