On Sun, 26 Mar 2006 11:57:33 -0800, you wrote:

>Costco has smart lawyers that will not allow you to fit tires that are 
>not specifically pass the buck able.  If there were to be issue, some 
>liberal whiner would then sue costco.  Best to protect the liberals 
>from themselves as part of corporate policy.
They coudn't help me with tyres for my Metropolitan.  
It uses 5.20 X 13" !
The workaround was to remove the wheels and have them mount 155r-13 on

Funny World we live in



Peter T. Arnold

1987 300SDL  240KMI
1995 F-250 PowerChoke  190Kmi
1954 Metropolitan Convertible, Hanger Queen
Wife has a Cruizer, 80 Kmi, as reliable as an Ice Box, the car that

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