Hello -
    Sorry that I'm a little late to this thread - I'd like to add along with range time and practice at home in front of a mirror using a holster of various placements - there's lots of good video's on YouTube to help, anyone carrying should consider one of the Insurance policies available.  A couple come to mind: CarryGuard (NRA) and US LawShield (got a brochure at Cabela's) and others.

    If you carry a gun and use it even in a obviously defense manner (and there's always 2 sides to every story), your gun will be taken and you will be arrested, without fail.  Again, YouTube has video's telling what to do if arrested.

    A few things your Carry Insurance will do is, get you bonded out, represent you in a criminal court and possibly civil court. Criminals these days see a paycheck if they get shot and will sue for damages - and the court has issued some strange rulings concerning in these cases.

    Finally (though there's always much more to this kind of thread) please consider joining the NRA.  It was the 1st Civil Rights organization in the US formed in 1877 (IIRC) to protect the rights of freed slaves and US Citizens whose 2nd Amendment rights were often assaulted.   Regardless what you may have heard, the NRA is there to protect the 2nd A. rights of US citizens.

    BTW, these kinds of actions are repeated nearly every day at some place or another - but they are seldom reported for various reasons.


On 10/06/2018 2:58 PM, G Mann via Mercedes wrote:
Take away from the incident:

1. Nothing converts a rabid anti gun individual as quickly as actually
needing to defend yourself.and having nothing to defend with.
2. Train at the range, often... Double tap, on target, count your shots
with each discharge.
3. Know the law in your jurisdiction before you leave home armed.

On Sat, Oct 6, 2018 at 11:34 AM Floyd Thursby via Mercedes <
mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:

-->  Hamilton’s co-workers, however, remained frozen, unsure what to do,
she said.

No one thought to attempt to engage the attacker in a conversation about
his oppression or feelings of entitlement to beat TS out of the woman
based on his white privilege and hegemonic masculinity?  He is likely a
cis-male misogynist anyway, so it would be expected that he would behave
this way toward a woman, and the co-workers needed to have a
conversation about the best way to deal with his implicit
heteronormativity bias and patriarchal entitlement, ever how oppressed
he might have been.

-->  As soon as she fell to the ground, however, her co-workers ran out
the door and began screaming for help.

That was helpful, I'm sure they were traumatized by witnessing this
violence and needed to go to a safe space, and emancipatory space, to
calm down, and to scream to let out the hurt, and perhaps to find a
puppy to hug.  I mean, what else could they do?

-->  As he came closer, the customer pulled out a gun and shot the
attacker once in the chest, Hansen said.

I would be interested to know what type of weapon the customer had, what
caliber, and if for some reason it was not capable of firing 3 shots in
quick succession.  Maybe it jammed?

-->  Police believe Overall may have mental health issues, Hansen added.

That probably took a great deal of investigation.

--> Hamilton is grateful, however, that she’s alive. And especially
grateful for the man with a gun who she said is a frequent customer.

The money quote.  I'm sure Starbucks will fire her now for her belief
and gratitude.

So many questions here...


On 10/6/18 1:40 PM, Curley McLain via Mercedes wrote:
A story with a happy ending, although it might have been better if the
attacker was in the locker.   (And it didn't take 16 shots like the
popos do)

Meade Dillon via Mercedes wrote:
"The customer [the good guy here] has a concealed carry permit, Hansen
said, and, though he doesn’t know for sure if the customer will face
charges, he believes the shooting can be interpreted as self-defense.
customer is being “very cooperative” with police, Hansen added.


In 2013, Starbucks made a request that customers not bring firearms into
its stores or outdoor eating areas, but the company specified that it
was a
request and not an outright ban.

As for Hamilton [employee that was attacked], she’s just happy
someone was

“I’m just really grateful to be alive, and I’m thankful for everyone who
was there to help me,” she said.


Charleston SC

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