What the MAC doesn't have to deal with is a HUGE variety of hardware
and drivers. That's what makes a large part of the difference.

Using VPC, you've just eliminated the hardware issues. The VPC
presents the same virtual hardware to the OS, regardless of what's
underneath. That SHOULD make the OS about as stable as it can be,
given the stability of the host OS/hardware. Of course, I do blow up
the OS in VPCs, because that's what I'm testing -- what will happen
when I do this stupid thing or that  -- Recovery is just shut it down
with out saving the changes, back up in a virgin state in minutes.
Great stuff!

I had a graphics shop that was running on PCs, but they were
complaining about blowing up the PCs, not stable, etc. When they got
to printing color directly to the press, we OK'd the MACs - far better
color management.  Seems that those creative graphic artists can blow
up MACs just as fast as they did PCs - but no they have to support
themselves - we won't touch them.

On 4/7/06, Curt Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Say what? I can install Windows XP on ANYTHING in about 2 hours. OS 10.4 
> takes about the same...
>   Windows 98 was garbage, Windows 95 was also garbage. 2000 and XP are quite 
> stable and usable. The problem is the garbage that people load onto them. 
> Like the type R stickers that make cars go faster...
>   -Curt
>   Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 21:53:41 -0700
> From: redghost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [MBZ] We can all just throw our Macs away
> To: Mercedes Discussion List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
> It has more to do with hours wasted trying to keep the POS running.  If
> you have done installs of windows, you can see why a mac user will be
> very perplexed by a person willing to subject themselves to that
> torture.  Sort of the head scratch I have with Mistress Jill.  WTF gets
> into a boy to want to be hung up with tuna hooks on 100# test line?
> An OS install for mac takes a few moments and runs.  A winblows install
> can take all weekend to get it nailed down right.
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Norman, OK
'90 300D 243K, Rattled
'87 300SDL 290K, Limo Lite, or blue car
'81 240D 173K, Gramps, or yellow car
'78 450SLC 67K, brown car
'97 Ply Grand Voyager 78K Van Go

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