Living in both the Mac and PC world for some 20 years now, I still find the Mac much easier to keep functioning. There are some limitations on hardware, but not on the upper end (any networkable printer is very likely to be Mac compatible, at least with a generic Postscript driver). PCs, on the other hand, require HUGE effort to get compatible drivers, SCSI was always a big pain, and so forth. Macs are somewhat more tempermental in some ways (i.e. no slave drive on revision 1 B&W G3s) and memory isn't always "standard", but I've always had fewer headaches with them. A couple of driver packages has always taken care of the hardware (mostly hard drive) problems. I did find one of the few drives completely unusable with my Wallstreet G3 laptop quite by chance, but all in all, I've spent much less time making my Macs work than my PCs/

Certainly, the OS is much less troublesome. Up to OS X, installation and re-installation was a breeze. OS X takes somewhat longer (as a friend of mine says, Linux/Unix is patch heaven....), but is still less of a hassle than XP or any earlier version. Managing extensions is very easy on the mac, unlike a PC pre-XP/2000, and memory management is a whole different ball of wax, although that issue is thankfully gone -- anyone else remember when 512k of memory was a lot?

As far as users screwing things up, what can they possibly be doing other than actual damage? Using any standard software is pretty much transparent, and Macs no more sensitive to damage from inappropriate "hot swapping" things than PCs.


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