Yesterday I noticed a bunch of bees buzzing around, looked up and see a whole mess of them, honeybees, at an opening at the end of an eave, which was on my roundtuit list...  I posted my dilemma on a coupla of our local FB groups, and a guy from up the road jumped on the opportunity to come get them.  He came by a while ago and is all excited, figures there is a big hive in there.  3 or 4 other guys responded too but this one was the first.  He's gonna come start getting them organize on Thursday, see how much they have going on up in the eave.  I guess I'm gonna get some (very) local honey!

This guy has 13 hives and is looking to buy 30 more from some old dude's estate.  Says that guy had a whole bunch of different kinds of bees from other parts of the world.



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