sent this message last night with attachments....I'll delete them and
maybe Kaleb will allow them later.
This afternoon while changing the oil cooler lines, I disconnected the
alda line to create more room for my wrench....and there was fresh oil in
it....bad sign?
Here's the latest. I pulled the intake off the front of the turbo and the
exhaust off the back. The exhaust was black with soot, but dry. The
intake had fresh oil as you can see in the pictures I'll attach. I wiped
a spot with my finger (outlined in yellow) and the rest of the oil is
outlined in red. Is that bad? Could the oil be going from the turbo
directly into the intake?
Tomorrow I'm replacing the oil cooler lines, they're moist. Along with
that will be the engine mounts, tranny mount, driveline support
boot/bearing/dust cap and the rear sway bar links. Right now it's sitting
in the drive way with out any oil in the engine, prep'd for the
Any suggestions on the turbo oil?
On Tue, 28 Mar 2006 13:00:43 -0600, Luther Gulseth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
This will be odometer is now working 50% of the
time....grrrrr love an old car. Always something new to keep you on
your toes.
On Sun, 26 Mar 2006 20:36 , Kaleb C. Striplin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
report back
Luther Gulseth wrote:
BUT, after sealing the valve cover baffle Thurs/Fri, I don't see
white smoke at idle, and it's hardly there at 3000+RPM. THAT may have
been most of my useage. I can put 250 on this week and see if the
comsumption is still high.
On Sun, 26 Mar 2006 18:18:41 -0600, Kaleb C. Striplin <kaleb at>
Luther KB5QHU
Alma, Ark
'83 300SD (231,xxx kmi)
'82 300CD (159,xxx kmi)
'82 300D (74,000 kmi) needs MAJOR work