We have the opposite problem, our water is a bit basic, I've been replacing all of our type m with the thicker stuff, type f? I figure if the original thin stuff went 40 years this should do pretty well. Our house is small, there isn't that much plumbing. I did half last summer, I'll do the rest this year.
Curt Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android On Wed, Jul 3, 2019 at 5:02 PM, Scott Ritchey via Mercedes<mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote: Depends. My well water is slightly acid, not enough to be unhealthy but enough to eat copper pipes (especially thin wall - type M). The 40-year old copper in my house developed leaks, especially flexible tubing but the rigid stuff broke easily too. I replaced all with PEX or black poly for the feed from pump. > -----Original Message----- > From: OK Don > > Perhaps the best "PEX" system is copper tubing??? New is not always better. > _______________________________________ http://www.okiebenz.com To search list archives http://www.okiebenz.com/archive/ To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to: http://mail.okiebenz.com/mailman/listinfo/mercedes_okiebenz.com _______________________________________ http://www.okiebenz.com To search list archives http://www.okiebenz.com/archive/ To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to: http://mail.okiebenz.com/mailman/listinfo/mercedes_okiebenz.com