When you live in the country, and the country roads are lined with trees, this is stuff that happens.  Just part of life.

Basil Hayden is a particularly pleasant Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey, apply internally liberally...  quite a cure for what ails ya.  Or gets you to the point where you don't care!


On 7/16/19 12:57 PM, Craig via Mercedes wrote:
On Mon, 15 Jul 2019 23:50:51 -0400 Buggered Benzmail via Mercedes
<mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:

Rode to a community meeting this evening with a buddy. Left his house
to come home about 930. We had big tstorm roll through earlier. Driving
down the road a BIG oak tree falls in the road right in front of me. I
guess the storm had weakened the tree. I hit it full on at 45mph,
managed to stomp the brakes but road was wet so not much good there
even though I felt the ABS.

I'm sorry this happened, Rich, but I am glad you are OK.

Is your county liable?

I’ll probably be sore in the morning but right now Mr Basil Hayden is
ministering my aches.
Pardon my ignorance, but what is "Mr Basil Hayden"?



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