Winders 7-10 is hardware specific.  You'd need a drive from a computer with the exact same components.  Then it might let you use it with the mac address on your MB or enet card.

If you buy the HD with winders installed, but not configured, it will work on any compatible hardware, but will want a valid license and activation.

NO free lunch AFIK.   Maybe if they release a winders 2020 or 11 or winders KP or such, they will allow a "free upgrade" period as they did with 10.

It may be simpler to buy a $100 or $200 used box with winders 10 installed and a valid license.

For situations other than Randy's where a 3rd party vendor is demanding lose10, you can keep running XP or 7 but the winders defender will die, so in that case I get avast or similar.

Right now, the installed base of xp is so small that I doubt hackers will attack it.  Some generic hacks and viruses will still work, so you need AV for that.

ROGER HALE via Mercedes <>
December 14, 2019 at 1:52 PM
You can find people who sell a hard drive with Win10 preloaded on eBay for not too much money. Check their reviews as sometimes Win10 is loaded but the license number is not valid. It will work, but constantly remind you to activate Windows. Or you might try some of the parts sellers on eBay and email them about a drive with Win10 loaded and activated.
Best Wishes,
Roger Hale
Dinnerware Classics, Inc.
Monroe, Ga.


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