there was all manner of hullaballoo about the weather in AK this past summer.  
Much blame given to anthropomorphic climate assault.  At the moment the region 
is suffering a possible record breaking stretch of the very colds.  Much 
gnashing of tooth and rending of tunic by the populace.  I will admit there are 
many vehicles with shattered rear windscreens.  Must be very uncomfortable to 

What just was admitted, after somebody bothered to look at records, is that 
there have been 30! stretches of extended periods of very cold (below 263*K for 
at least a week) in ANC since 1950.  That is like minus temps in F degrees for 
longer than a week.  The most recent extended stretch was in 2009.  Expected 
over night temps will be in the -27f range the next two days.


> On Jan 8, 2020, at 7:08 PM, Curley McLain via Mercedes 
> <> wrote:
> It is amazing how its been proven they faked data in England, this dude made 
> up the stuff, and other hoaxdom has been proven, yet albore and his minions 
> keep motoring on as if all their religion is true.
>> G Mann via Mercedes <>
>> January 8, 2020 at 9:53 PM
>> Just for the record, I claim no kinship to the Mann PhD of climate change
>> hoaxdom..
>> I am a full fledged member of the "Salt the Earth Society" and understand
>> that CO2 is the material that makes plants grow and produce O2....
>> "Herr Mann" ;)) [Thanks BTW]
>> Diesel on


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