The university population in Seattle during the 80’s and 90’s was made up of 
many asian students. Mostly from Japan, and a sprinkle of Koreans who had the 
cash to pay out of state.  They lived like standard college kids in the dorms 
at first then move out as they became more mature.

With the hand over of Hong Kong, the population swiftly changed to mainland 
Chinese, en masse. Most of the emigres were headed to Vancouver BC, but some 
decided to invest in the Dot Com companies.  Then the Little Princes showed up 
and forced the local students out of spots at the university.  They did not 
live on campus, and the parents were paying close to $30k tuition to a state 

About a decade ago there were home shopping tours to pluck up housing for the 
new students.  Mummies and Daddies would be driven around in black Suburbans by 
Mandarin speaking realtor/investment types.  The modest home across the street 
from me sold to one of those groups.  Like ants on a carcass they had asian 
work crews crawling all over the house for a few months, then come Autumn, 
there were an inscrutable number of young men in residence.  I could never 
figure out if there were half a dozen or ten, as there was crack house traffic 
comings and goings.  By Spring semester the high end cars started showing up.  
Mostly BMW, Benz, Porsche, a few Mini (for the poorer kid) maybe purchased or 
leased.  S class, 7 series, G wagon, AMGs, many drop tops moved through the 

Each beginning of school year would see another few sets of parents deposit a 
child, and come summer, parents could be seen hauling one or another child 
away.  The kids all looked the same to me, but for the spindly gal, 190cm tall 
with coochie cut skirts, dressed in black.  I am pretty sure she did not live 

Some time in 2019 the asians moved out and I think keep the place as a rental 
(current residents a young family) until another batch/horde of students can be 
found.  It was a good investment, as the thing is valued close to seven figures 
and purchased at $400k, due to the previous owner being a heavy smoker.


> On Feb 4, 2020, at 3:19 AM, Buggered Benzmail via Mercedes 
> <> wrote:
> When I was at MIT 77-79 there was a fairly large contingent of Chinese 
> students, most grad students. A lot at Hahvahd too. I think they got up to 
> nearly half at some point, not sure now what the fraction is. Was similar at 
> BU too. They pay tuition cash with a premium so that’s attractive to the 
> administration. It always kinda bothered me that “we” educated our 
> competition to learn how to kick our @$$e$. I figured it would be better to 
> allow them to stay here so they could work and be entrepreneurs and 
> capitalists but I guess if they had families at home that could be leverage 
> for them to support the commie regime with whatever nefarious activities they 
> were asked to do. 
> I had a buddy who taught and researched at Baylor in biology, whenever they 
> would post a job opening for a post-doc they would immediately get hundreds 
> of applicants from China, all with amazing resumes. They seldom hired one 
> just because it was problematic in several practical ways but the pool was 
> extremely large. He was quite liberal in his political beliefs but in this 
> aspect was quite jingoistic about US v. China. 
> Hong Kong business people seem to have had enough of the regime and are 
> voting with their feet...  that is a positive for “our” side. 
> Just remember that the top 10% of their high school graduates outnumber our 
> total high school population... and the culture strongly values education...
> --FT


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