On Wed, 3 May 2006 23:07:58 -0700 Jim Cathey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > With sealing the valves and intake and exhaust for the air compressor
> > cylinders, the compressor cylinders will operate like a 2-cycle
> > engine. Just make sure the air inlet has low enough restriction or
> > you'll pull quite a vacuum in the cylinders. Gassers don't seem to
> > have any trouble with that, though.
> Step one is to take any handy 240D and crack the lines to two of
> the injectors and see how it starts and runs.  Is it still driveable,
> however poorly, or are parasitic losses at that point so high that
> it can barely turn itself over?

Now that's a great idea! Simple, effective, and cheap!


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